The Grangers

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After they parted, Harry was about to give an answer to Hermione's question when all of a sudden someone else appeared from the chimney.

Hermione saw the person's face and instantly recognized him as one of the Weasley twins.

"My lady," the twin mocked her and bowed down in front of her. "I, George Weasley, am humbled to be in your presence."

Then again, another Weasley twin fell from the chimney.

"My lady," he also said as soon as he saw Hermione. "I, Fred Weasley, am humbled to be in your presence."

"Hi guys," Hermione greeted the two, after she was done rolling her eyes at them. "How's everything going?"

"Everything is going amazingly, Hermione," said Fred. "What about you?"

Before Hermione could answer him, someone else appeared from the chimney. It was Mr. Weasley, the father of the Weasleys.

"Mr. Weasley, hello," Hermione greeted the man.

"Hello there, Hermione," replied Arthur with a cheerful voice. "Everything is fine, I hope."

"It is, Mr. Weasley," she replied with a smile. Just then, Harry heard a voice that probably belonged to Hermione's mum.

"Hermione, why is it so noisy downstairs?" she asked.

"My friends are here, mum," Hermione replied.

The group heard someone coming down the stairs before a woman in her early 30s entered the living room. She had a fair face, long smooth brown hair, and similar colored eyes, with a particularly sharp jawline.

"Hello, everybody," she greeted them. "It is so nice to see you all. I am Emma Granger, Hermione's mother."

"Hello, Mrs. Granger," Arthur said. "It is nice to meet you as well."

The rest of the group also greeted her. Harry was surprised by how much Hermione looked like her mother. He probably wouldn't have noticed it before with Hermione's two big frontal teeth and bushy hair, but now they looked almost the same.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, how did you enter the house? I didn't hear the doorbell ringing," Emma asked them.

"Oh that?" Mr. Weasley said, just as Hermione was about to answer in a simpler way. "We came through the chimney, of course."

He made it sound like it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Huh?" Emma said, with a confused smile. "Yeah, of course."

Everyone could tell she didn't understand a thing. Everyone except Arthur Weasley himself, of course.

"That aside," Arthur said. "You have doorbells? How exactly do they work?"

"Sorry?" Emma asked confused.

Arthur Weasley loved anything even slightly related to muggles. Even the simplest of muggle equipment were enough to fascinate him. The first time Mr. Weasley met Harry, he had asked Harry the function of a rubber duck. To say Harry was surprised would be an understatement.

So something like a doorbell was sure to blow out his mind. Before Mr. Weasley could press further on the matter, however, a man came inside the room. Harry could tell that he was no older than Emma. From how Jason had described him last summer, he was sure that this was Hermione's father, Daniel.

"Oh, hello there," he said, with a very thick accent. "My name is Daniel Granger. I'm Hermione's father."

Daniel offered a hand to Mr. Weasley, the oldest looking man in the room, who shook it firmly.

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