The Quidditch World Cup

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The day had passed rather quickly than expected. Harry was having all the fun he could have with his two best friends, roaming around and occasionally meeting his other friends as well.

The same couldn't be said about Jason and Hermione though. Ever since Hermione's indirect confession of love for Jason, the two had refused to talk altogether. Whenever their eyes met, or they said the same thing at the same time, which they did a lot of times, they would blush furiously and quickly turn around. Harry didn't really try to make the two of them talk. He rather enjoyed seeing them like this.

Plus, he knew them; they couldn't stay for long without talking to each other. By the end of the day, they would talk again and things would go back to normal; Hermione would simply blush and stutter when Jason complimented her, while Jason remained completely oblivious, of course.

Before the start of the game, Harry went to the Weasleys' tent to bring Ginny with him. He had told the others that he'd meet them directly at the stadium.

The duo was completely quite during their walk. Neither of them said a word, but neither of them minded it. Occasionally they would blush when they found one staring at the other, or when their hands brushed against the others'. Trying to dismiss the slightly awkward situation, Harry told her about the incident that took place in their tent at the morning.

"So she finally said it, huh?" Ginny asked after Harry had finished the story. "Took her long enough."

"Yeah, but knowing them, they still won't admit it to each other's faces," Harry replied. "They'll just avoid having a conversation at all and try their best to never talk about it."

"But, by the end of this year, they will be together," Harry added, confident in his words.

"You really think so?" Ginny asked him.

"I know so," Harry said. "Hermione's gotten a lot more beautiful this past summer. Although Jason always viewed Hermione like that, the other guys at Hogwarts didn't. There will be a long line of boys trying to hit on her, and an equally large number of them staring at her. Jason, the ever so protective, will get jealous and realize that someone else could easily take her away from him. To avoid that from happening, he will make his move as soon as possible."

"How can you realize so much about their situation, yet so little about our own situation, idiot?" Ginny asked him in a small, barely hearable voice.

To Harry that question was like a small mumble.

"What?" he asked her.

"Nothing," Ginny quickly dismissed Harry's question. "You just seem to know so, much about them."

"Of course I do," Harry replied. "They're my best friends."

"So why haven't you told them about your scar and the dream yet?" Ginny asked Harry. When Ginny went to wake Harry up at the morning, he was sweating and panting. After her relentless question about what happened to him, Harry revealed to her that he had seen a nightmare involving You-know-who. Apparently, he was planning on killing Harry. Before he could hear anything else, Harry had woken up with a sharp pain on his scar.

Harry had no idea what the dream meant. The last time his scar had hurt so much was two years ago when Jason and he fought against the younger version of Voldemort. Before that, it had hurt when Voldemort was near to him, more specifically on the back of Quirrel's head.

But Voldemort couldn't be near to him, not here, and neither at the burrow. Harry had made sure Voldemort wasn't there by scanning for any unfamiliar magical energy around the place. Just to be safe, he had applied a series of non-verbal protection charms around the burrow and around his and the Weasleys' tent.

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