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Tw!: smut

We were still kissing on the balcony.
His hands were on my waist with a tight and possessive grip.
I shivered and my hands that were resting on his shoulders started shaking slightly and my grip became more weak. shit i was submissive.
I think we continued kissing for at least 5 minutes and probably more.
We pulled away and he picked me up and we started kissing again.
We were kissing but that kiss started becoming more and more passionate and when we pulled away, i could see in his eyes lust. His gaze was lustful and i knew what he wanted and i wanted It too. I posed my hands on his face caressing his cheeks.
I looked at him and we started kissing again but this time it was more passionate. In less than a minute we were in his room. He dropped me on his bed and crawled on top of me started kissing me again and again.
I pulled away panting and looked him.
He took off his shirt and...Oh. My. God.
He was perfect, he had abs and he looked like a sculpture. He was perfect and beautiful and i was just... i don't know i was just thin, no muscles and i was even short! That's not fair!
"You like what you see uh?" He teased me and i realized i've been staring for i don't know how long. I immediatly blushed and he chuckled tying his dreadlocks then looked at me.
I covered my face with my shaky hands and he moved them whispering in my ear with a low seductive voice.
"Oh no Cassidy, don't cover your pretty face... You know i love It..."
He smirked then kissed my cheek, when the other one and then we kissed, a simple lip kiss, until it turned into another passionate kiss.
He started sliding his hands under my hoodie and shirt tu take It off and i sit up helping him to take it off and then we looked in our eyes for a few seconds. I posed my hands on his chest and he posed his on mine.
Then i realized that we were two guys without a shirt- that we were two boyfriends that were half naked- wait.. WAIT- WHAT THE-
I hear Tyler chuckle and i looked at him. His laugh... His laugh was like music to me... My eyes lit up and i start blushing. He looked at me and smiled. But when he spoke again his voice was less seductive.
"Hey uhm- i know we've been dating for a while but are you sure you want to d-" i looked at him and started nooding frenetically.
"Yes Tyler!" I grabbed his face.
"I want this! But... i'm scared that i might... I-i don't k-know... That maybe i'll-" he cupped my face and nooded.
"I understand... If it's too much tell me... Alright Cas?" I smiled softly.
I nooded and he kissed me softly.
He pulled away and he kissed me again... and again.. and again... And the kisses deepened more and more...
He started kissing my jawline and neck, spotting a soft spot and tease It.
"Y-you keep teasing that- that spot- uh?" I was breathless and weak.
Instead of answering he started nibbling and licking the spot making me moan. I covered my mouth and shivered. He continued teasing me then he putted away my hands pinning them above my head and moved down with his mouth kissing my shoulders. He bit me hard and i shivered moaning slightly.
He smirked and moved again nibbling my earlobe next to my earrings even licking them along with my earlobe.
With one hand he kept my hands pinned above my head and with the other he started grazing my bare chest. I shivered and he started kissing my neck again, then my shoulder, collarbones, chest... He kissed and bit my body and then...
Then It happened.

I woke up by an alarm going off but It wasn't my usual alarm. I groaned and curled up covering my ears. It started being uncomfortable and overwhelming for someone like me.
Suddently the alarm stopped and i felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I leaned in this hug. My hands were putted away from my ears and a hand started caressing my cheek and another one started stroking my hair.
"Shhh... it's Just my alarm dummy.!"
I heard a chuckled and looked up to see Tyler. I smiled and relaxed.
"Mhh... I'm not dumb... You are!" He looked at me giggling then kissed me quickly. He had a teasing smirk on his face and i knew he was about to talk.
"Yeah yeah... Me dumb, uh?"
He moved away and stood up walking a few step then looking at me.
"Then stand up and walk to me."
I was confused and sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him and that stupid smirk he had on his beautiful face... Oh shit he's so beautiful... His features are so soft and delicate...
"So? Stand up and walk here... Be a good boy..." He kept smirking at me and i blushed.
"What's so hard in standing u-" as long as i stood up i felt a sharp pain and stumbled falling down. He catched me and picked me up.
"So? Who's the dummy?" He teased me and i looked at him.
"S-shut u-up-" he chuckled.
I realized what happened the night and blushed heavly buring my face in his shoulder.
"You're an asshole-" h started kissing my neck softly.
"Really? I though you liked this..."
He continued with the kiss and i held onto him with my legs wrapped tightly around his waist.
"Mh... I think that today I'm the only one that will go to school..." He chuckled and i rolled my eyes.
"Yes. I'm not going like this, but i will tomorrow and that means you have to being me to my house this afternoon!"
He chuckled and nooded kissing me softly on the lips. I sighed and hid my face in his shoulder.
"I wanna stay with you..." He giggled.
"No i'll go to school today!" I look at him and frown. He gave me another quick kiss and i kissed back making It a longer yet soft kiss. He pulled away and smiled stroking my hair lovely.
"I'll go to school anyway." He kissed me on the forehead and lowered me on his bed making me lay down.
He walked to his closet and started taking some clothes while he spoke.
"Make yourself at home, alright?"
He turned to me smiling softly.
I smiled back and nooded.
"Text me if you need anything or if you start feeling overwhelmed or anything like that." I smiled.
I loved him, he care so much...
"I will." He walked over me and mumbled lowering himself.
"Good boy..." He kissed me quickly.
"Stop with that nickname!" I blushed heavly and he chuckled.
"But you like it~ i know that!" I chuckled then curled up yawning.
"I'm sleepy..." I yawned again.
"By the way i really do like that nickname, especially if you say It..."
He smiled then kissed me again.
After a little more than half an hour he started heading toward the door of his apartment.
"See you later Cas!" I smiled.
"Bye Ty!" I closed my eyes and started falling asleep...

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