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AN: sorry for the spelling...


Danny's pov

Lying there with my eyes closed. It was cold. I trid to stand but i couldn't. I opened my eye and wish i hadn't. I could see mom, dad, Jazz, Tucker, and Sam laying there died crushed by ruble a building. I could see there poodles of blood under neath them. It made me want to poke up my insides out.

"W-What H-Happened?" I said in a small voice.

Then it hit me like a built and I remember everything.

"no...No...NOO" i yelled standing up.

"YES" A voice in my head said. "you're becoming more like me EVERYDAY!!"

"SHUT UP" I said holding my head. I started crying as could see different sens in my head of what happened. I had to leave. I started fling and everything around me slowly fell away leaving a pitch black abyss.

I feel something grab my left ankle but I keep flying. But it was stronger. I look at by ankle and see a chain pulling me down to dark navy blue water. Another chain flew out of the water and garbed my right wrist.

More and more chains flew out of the water and started to drag me in the water. I tried to use my power but they didn't work.

I took my last breath and was sunk in to water.


Then HE came out of the water. Laughing and laughing.


"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I woke screaming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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