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Chapter 4: The Abandoned Floor

I stepped out of the elevator onto what appeared to be an abandoned floor. Instead of the familiar walls and tiled floors of the other levels, this floor was stark and unfinished, with rough cement underfoot and bare pillars supporting the skeletal structure of the building.

The air was chilly, carrying with it a faint scent of dust and dampness. Shadows played tricks in the dim light, making the surroundings seem even more desolate. My heart raced as I took in the eerie scene, wondering how such a floor could exist in a modern building like ours.

In the distance, a small yellow light flickered faintly, cutting through the darkness like a beacon. Its gentle glow seemed out of place in the stark environment, drawing my attention like a moth to a flame.

As I cautiously approached the light, my footsteps echoing softly in the empty space, a sense of unease settled over me. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the occasional creak of unseen machinery or the distant hum of ventilation.

The closer I got to the light, the more I noticed subtle details – discarded construction materials scattered haphazardly, patches of unsealed walls exposing raw concrete, and the occasional gust of cold air that seemed to sweep through the floor unexpectedly.

Reaching the source of the light, I found a small, flickering bulb hanging from a makeshift wire. It cast a feeble glow over a section of the floor, revealing a rusted metal door partially hidden behind a pile of debris.

Curiosity mingled with trepidation as I hesitated, unsure of what lay beyond the door. The abandoned floor seemed frozen in time, a forgotten space that defied explanation. Yet, the faint light beckoned me forward, urging me to uncover the mysteries hidden within the darkness.

With a deep breath, I approached the door, my hand trembling slightly as I reached out to touch the cold metal. Before I could muster the courage to push it open, a sudden noise echoed through the silence, startling me back into reality.

The sound of footsteps echoed faintly from somewhere nearby, growing louder with each passing moment. Panic seized me as I spun around, searching frantically for the source of the noise. Was I alone on this abandoned floor, or was there someone – or something – else here with me?

Heart pounding, I stood frozen in place, the shadows closing in around me. The abandoned floor seemed to hold its breath, as if waiting for me to uncover its secrets. Whatever lay ahead, I knew that the answers awaited beyond that rusted door, shrouded in darkness and mystery.

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