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(This will be a short chapter unfortunately but longer chapters will eventually come. Hopefully.)

(Beacon Academy Headmaster's office in Vale)

Ozpin: WHAT!!

James: I didn't know about the secret experimenting going down in the vault.

Ozpin: it doesn't help that my former student is somewhere out there, who will probably kill us all  if not worst then the last Honkai Eruption years ago... so where is he?

James: to the truthful to you I have no clue where he went once he left the vault and killed everything in there from the monsters to the personal inside.

Ozpin: well sh—

(Somewhere else in Mistral)

Sound of a fire burning in a campfire as herobrine sat down staring into it while watching over Kiana who was peacefully sleeping in a sleeping bag. Herobrine sighed silently as he watched her sleep, knowing that his aura which was keeping the Grimm creatures away or afraid of him.

Most of the younger Grimm were instantly killed by the Endermen, tortured former huntsman turned criminals and broken and corrupted and tortured to do Herobrine's bidding. Sounds of yelps of pain to roars of death echoed out scaring the nearby villages and small towns. It lasted about two hours before it was finally quiet enough to let the insects start making noises, the breeze starting blowing and owls started hooting in the distance. Peace was achieved and it was peaceful again.

The next morning Herobrine walked while holding Kiana in his arms while she slept peacefully under the blanket of trees as a young wolf with a collar on happily wagging his tail and had his tongue out while following the two.

As the three walked they reached a village, and the people's faces were shocked and worry as a young woman approached herobrine and he nodded and gently let the woman speak to a priest who nodded as a doctor saw what was happening and let him into...

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As the three walked they reached a village, and the people's faces were shocked and worry as a young woman approached herobrine and he nodded and gently let the woman speak to a priest who nodded as a doctor saw what was happening and let him into his work place, getting some potions ready up in a brewing stand as he placed three water bottles and grabbed some ingredients which made Herobrine confused by what they were?

The doctor who spoke in their native language to the priest who turned to herobrine and spoke in Arcadian (a Language) which Herobrine was surprised but understood what the doctor was doing and how some of the ingredients were in a different dimension called the Nether an Under World type dimension that looked like it came from Hell itself.

Herobrine nodded noted himself that that place is a dangerous place, as he listened carefully as he spoke. As the sun was beginning to set, an elder Farmer gave an empty home to herobrine and Kiana it was one story two room, and a kitchen, dining room and a small living room, and a single restroom with a shower.

Herobrine accepted it making the elder Farmer smiled before the two separated and herobrine walked in the house as he unlocked the door he noticed how the house was quiet and no lanterns were on but still had oil in them. Which made herobrine sigh in relief and light it with  match, and explored his new home, which would be his own home for a long while....

As the Elder Villager arrived at his home and opened the door to see his Granddaughter making dinner as His Wife was reading the yesterday newspaper seeing as technology and there was only radio station which was owned by the village and played country music and they talked about some news related stories and make fun of them for being stupid.

The Granddaughter was a beautiful young lady with long brown hair in a ponytail and left bangs on the sides going down her chest and Sukura blossoms in her ponytail, she had beautiful brown eyes, and she was skilled in using a Katana as a self defense weapon, and had her Aura unlocked but she didn't choose to go
To a huntsman academy because she had to take care of grandparents seeing as her father gave her to them after they divorced

After that the father went on a mission & he disappeared and was later Missing in Action (M.I.A) and no one knows what happened to her Mother but they later found out that she killed her husband and was arrested and was found guilty, and was convicted to life in prison without parole...  So grandparents took her in and raised her like a daughter...  And Named her Miku Yamamoto or her nickname "Yamato".

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