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Clouds ,the symbols of pureness with his white coloured clothes, are now inked in grey and black outline. The roaring of this clouds brought thousands of calmness to the earth. The gentle and cold breeze and raindrops touching the leaves of tree with their utmost love and caress . The dripping of rain align with the thundering wind rattle the windows of the lone house quite near the busy city.

The 2 stored building is a symbol of calmness and peace, a gentle reminder of human comfort away from busy life. The humble abode is aligned with nature which brought the sense of dense forests which is a labyrinth of serenity and humbleness. The balcony of the abode is twinkling with the lighting strike, with the moment of lightning one can see the various flowers with various colours, surrounding the very house. This brought one to a eternal peace.

Amidst the thundering clouds and drizzling rain, a person, in dark, looking out the window, enjoying the calmness of the beautiful portrait of the eternal God. The man, lying in the rocking chair, brought a testimony to the artist who are desperate to capture this serene beauty in their work. The man continues to watch the leaves from which the water is rhythmically dripping, evoking a serene music of nature. The rhythmical musical notes brought forward nostalgia, yearning for something, something which no one can describe with words, something which have no name, evoking emotions which is hard to name. The serenity . But despite the beautiful portrayal of serenity, the man remain aloof to the current situation. His mind wandered into different memories, evoking a sense of love and longing.

He looked out at the birds in the sky which is flying towards its home, towards its family, his heart yearn for the comfort of home. His heart which is continuously fighting a invisible war, want home. Home is where the heart is.

He remembered his childhood. Growing up with his brothers. Pranking his sister. Sleeping under his mother 's warmth. His father's angry eyes hiding the warmth in the heart. Suddenly he is adult and the home become just House. There are no laughter, no smile, no prank, no scolding...just become a gentle reminder of the past times, evoking nostalgia, yearning and longing.

But now he wants the very home with all brothers, sister. He wants the home with laughter, smile, scolding and all those things which make him realise that his heart is at peace and at Home .

The man's eyes, lost in the past, now fills with determination, determination to see his family together. He realises that he have to fight to achieve his dream. His yearning for his childhood brought tears in those man's eyes . The nature's heavy downpour make strike contrast with the silent tears of the man. His cries, a testimony to the pain of loosing his family, the pain of loneliness, pain of not having someone to hold on despite having a big family. Still his heart longs for the very family which forget about him like a bitter memory of past , like he is a invisible person. He want to see them happy if it's the last thing, he  have to do the entire life till he dies.

It is his promise. A promise to his heart.

Stay tuned to know the journey of his to his home.

How he will achieve his dream?
Will he gave up under the pressure of situation or he will see his family together?

Still then
Happy reading and Happy ferti Rath

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