First Date

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Juju drove me to my house and the boys were so excited to help. As teenage boys, they got together and decided on my behalf they would all learn something, so as I was getting ready for my date, Mase did my nails, Alé did my hair, Jude did my makeup, and Chris picked out an outfit. Los Guapos are one of the best things that have happened to me. As the boys physically got me ready, I mentally got ready. That's when my phone buzzed.

"Chris!!" I yelled to him as he was in my walk-in closet. 

"What??" he said as he popped his head into my bathroom.

"Can you check and see what the notification was on my phone?" I ask. Chris walks in and picks up my phone.

"It's Marc." Chris says after he puts in my password, which I make sure all the boys know so if I need them to get into my phone, they can.

"Marc says that he invited some friends and that you guys are going to the beach."

Just then my door opens and Dan walks.

"Are you gwetting wedy for a date?" He asks.

"Chris can you grab a bikini. Yes, Dan, but I've told you not to talk like a baby."

"Bwut I like talking wike a bwaby." Dan says and I roll my eyes.

"¡¡Papá!" I yell and my door immediately opens. 

To my surprise Marc is standing there in a loose collared t-shirt and swim shorts. 

"Oh my goodness!! Do we need to leave already!" I start getting nervous.

"Yeah, but whenever you're ready. The boys are already there and they are just waiting for us."

"Ugh!! Did you have to tell me that they were waiting? That just makes me even more stressed!"

Just then my dad opened the door and grabbed Dan. Marc walked over to where Mase was doing my nails. One hand was finished, and the other was being done. Marc squatted down and gently grabbed my hand. He rubbed it with his thumb in an attempt to calm me. I looked up and smiled my thanks and he picked up my hand and placed a kiss on the back of it. 

Soon enough I was ready. I put a t-shirt and shorts on over my bikini, and I grabbed a beach bag. Marc drove me to the beach and before we got out Marc talked to me.

"Hey, I'm so sorry that I stressed you out earlier, that wasn't the correct thing to do."

"You're totally fine." I say as I look into his beautiful eyes. He smiles at me and I could swear that there was a sparkle on his tooth. He looked back at me and then shifted his gaze to my lips. I licked them, teasing him before he leaned over the consul and the gear stick. Marc kissed me and I kissed him back. He gently lifted a hand and put it on the back of my head. I deepened the kiss as I played with his soft hair. He matched my energy and climbed over the consul and the gear stick. I pushed him to sit on the seat as I sat on his lap with my feet behind his back. We kissed for a while, him trying to gain entry into my mouth, but me keeping it where it was. It wasn't like I was scared or anything, I just wasn't ready for our relationship to move to that when we didn't even have a title yet. I planned to take Marc up on his offer of dinner after one of his games, but there is yet to be a game that he has asked me out after, and as much as this beach day was a date, I didn't count it as he invited Pau Prim and Hector Fort to our date. I didn't mind, but everything about it didn't scream date.

Just then there was a knock on the window. Marc rolled down the window as we continued kissing. I didn't know how he found the switch so fast, but this guy is amazing.

"Um, I thought the deal was a night on the beach, not a night making out in the car." Hector said.

I knew Hector very well as he was friends with some of the guys on the team and some of my girlfriends from La Masia, but Pau Prim on the other hand, I didn't know at all. I mean I had heard his name in casual conversation, but I never met him. 

Marc looked at me with a look of embarrassment as I slowly began to realize that all three of the boys had the reddest face ever because Pau and Hector caught me and Marc passionately kissing with me practically straddling Marc. All of this, of course with us in our swimsuits to make things worse. I opened the door and climbed off Marc's lap. He kindly grabbed my bag and held my hand as Pau and Hector led the way to the water. Once we got to a decent spot on the beach, Marc and I laid out a blanket and put our shoes next to the blanket. Marc set my bag down and then we ran hand in hand to the water. I didn't realize it at the time, but Hector was taking pictures of us. 

Once Marc and I were almost to shoulder height, he picked me up and held me. I looked into his eyes and then kissed him. 

After a while of messing around in the water, the four of us, we went to the beach and Pau got out the soccer stuff that he brought. 

"Alright, Hector and I are one team, and you two 'pájaros del amor' (lovebirds)  are the other team." I roll my eyes, but then stand with Marc on one side.

After a while of playing soccer, Team Lovebirds won, Marc and I pass for fun.

"Oye, put the balón away. There is a time for fútbbol and there is a time for amigos. This is the time for amigos." Hector said. 

I passed the ball to Marc and then ran over to where Hector and Pau were sitting. Marc followed just behind me, putting the soccer ball near my bag and sitting cross legged. I put my head in his lap and he stroked my hair as he looked out at the sunset. The boys wanted a picture, but we would get that before we left. After 5 minutes the beach was closing, so we decided to put away our stuff and head out. I walked and talked with Hector and Marc and Pau trailed behind.

"You should come to our dorm at La Masia." Hector offered.

"You guys room with each other?"

"Yeah, that's how we met."

"That's cool." I say.

Hector and I talked all the way to the car, and when we were in, I got Hector and Pau's numbers.

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