Chapter 4: 'Goodnight Donnie...' & 'I have a job, remember'

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I was sitting on the cold table with the Reaper book in front of me on a stand. 'Application' was one of the important things I was taught, along with attention to detail.

So, I was looking at my body's anatomy and just practiced. I had cut a jagged mark on my left arm and was looking through my parts and quizzing myself on the different pieces I found.

"Do you mind bookmarks??" I hear someone mildly shout. I looked up towards the door and removed my magnifying surgical glasses.

I sighed removing my surgical gloves and looked back at my arm, slowly watching as my body healed it up.

When the cut was gone, I put my long black gloves back on, then rolled my sleeve back down and walked out of the room.

I made my way down the hallway and came into view. I saw Donatello sitting in front of the fireplace for light as it was electric and still provided warmth.

Maybe he got cold. It is pretty late already.

I noticed he had small piles of books around him and seemed very engrossed in what he was currently reading.

He had all sorts of books. Engineering, anthropology, biology, toxicology, philosophy, and advanced Algebra. Some of these are books my mom had so I purchased replicas.

I walked over to a small drawer by my big couch and grabbed some magnetic bookmarks I had bought.

I looked at them for a second and remembered I had bought a lot of Valentine's Day ones from last month. I didn't care much and instead looked behind me at Donatello. He looked excited and smiled wide as he flew through the pages. So much reading...

Strolling over to my bookshelf, and went to a different section that was my favorite. Carefully, I climbed a small ladder and grabbed a dark blue book then walked over and sat beside him in front of the fire.

Placing the bookmarks in front of him, I opened this book to my favorite part and began reading. He seemed to enjoy my company and I enjoyed how he warmed up the air a little.

I felt eyes and looked up to my right to see him leaning in and reading my book.

"Greek Mythology," I said, getting the book closer to him. He seemed interested and put a bookmark in his book about microorganisms.

He then looked at me with a smile. "Any story in particular you enjoy?" He asked.

I looked at the book for a second and began to speak to him about many of the stories, and how I didn't have a favorite.

"My mother used to read them to me..." I said with a soft smile as I opened a page about Apollo and his many lovers, then about the many stories revolving around the underworld. I spoke about a lot of things and stopped when I realized I had been speaking for a long time.

"I'm sorry. I tend to ramble..." I said looking down, feeling like I was boring him.

"Nonsense." He simply answered.

I looked up at him and he was smiling. "Passion leads to rambling. Nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about." He said, giving me a toothy smile.

I closed the book and got up to put it back. Mainly because, though my blood wasn't running through my veins, I could swear my face was heating up. But...I still felt cold so it was probably my imagination.

I then heard a ringtone and glanced behind me. I saw Donatello scrambling for his phone and answering. "Donatello." He stated. He then looked at his phone.

"Sorry, I went-...dumpster diving for new parts! I'll be home soon, just stall for me." He said into the phone as he got up quickly. Then he hung up and looked at me.

Our Precious Conversation (Oc x Donatello 2012)Where stories live. Discover now