Test - One

7 0 1

July, 14, 2022

Item: SCP-5312

Object class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures (S.C.P): Unknown

On July, 14, 2022, an anomaly that looks like Hooty from the popular TV show, "The Owl House"  It was seen on the front door of a house, it was just it's face, like from the show, and it could stretch it's neck like in the show, it was non-hostile at first but when Jason, the leader of the MTF group who found 5312 in the first place poked 5312 with his baton, 5312 turned hostile (picture below is how 5312 looked when it turned hostile)

On July, 14, 2022, an anomaly that looks like Hooty from the popular TV show, "The Owl House"  It was seen on the front door of a house, it was just it's face, like from the show, and it could stretch it's neck like in the show, it was non-hostile...

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5312 then got out of the door it was in, showing it's long body and it's number of legs that instead of feet, it had hands for feet, and instead of being feathers, it's texture was fur, which is not normal for an normal owl.

Tests with class-d are yet to be issued.

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