July, 19, 2022
Item: SCP-5312
Object class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures (S.C.P): Foundation web crawlers are to survey message boards, forum posts, and public chat rooms for the mention or hyperlinking of SCP-5312.
Today, more tests were issued, we have found that 5312 can be turned hostile by files on websites, it's affects are similar to 096's affects, but 5312 is not as dangerous as 096, 5312 can be stopped by using traq guns and tazers, 5312 seems to have links to the internet and 5312 can be a file on the internet, where if 5312 is seen, 5312 will turn hostile, and try to track down the person who saw it, but not because it is ugly, no, it is because 5312 generally hates being seen, don't we all 5312?
General FictionThis is a un-official fan-made file on SCP-5312, all things can and will be wrong, if some parts are right, let me know!