Just for Now

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"Hey kid, wake up."

Zorn's body was unexpectedly being jostled, forcing him to awaken prematurely. He groaned loudly as his arms stretched into the air, trying to regain the strength that had been sapped from a lack of sustenance.

"Come now, you can sleep forever. Let's get you inside."

His empty eyes peered open to a blur of colors, but after they adjusted he found Tsukauchi unbuckling him from his car seat. The detective then urged him to exit the vehicle, which Zorn quickly complied, trying to make the situation easier on both of them, even though he was slightly wobbly due to just awakening.

"There we are, now come inside. If you're hungry again I'll get you something to eat, and probably something to drink along with it."

Zorn tugged at Tsukauchi's black pants, desperately wanting his attention, even if he felt he was being a nuisance.

The officer hummed in response to the contact, turned and crouched down to the child's level. "What's up?"

"Can I hold your hand please?"

Tsukauchi seemed to be taken back by the request, but he brushed the feeling off, gave a warm smile, and said, "Sure, why not kid," all while stretching out his right hand towards Zorn.

Zorn then cautiously placed his left hand in the officers outstretched one before Tsukauchi raised himself up and began walking with the child towards the facility.

It was at least 7 stories tall, with glass windows around all sides, and around the entrance it was curved as if a circle was punched out of the rectangular structure.
Along with that, on the far side of the building was the loading area where villains were taken and imprisoned until they could be taken either to court or taken to another place with higher security.

It left an impression on Zorn, one that made him feel smaller, but unexpectedly Tsukauchi lightened the mood.

The detective laughed softly before saying "Y'know, I never thought I'd be in this situation. Never once."

Zorn glanced up at Tsukauchi with a confused look on his face, a look that practically begged him to elaborate to the child.

"I don't really have a family myself. Well, I do have a sister but we don't talk anymore so I don't usually count her. It's kinda depressing when you think about it huh? Neither of us got anyone else."

The child merely glanced up at Tsukauchi and hummed in acknowledgement before tilting his head back towards the ground.

What would a family be like, he pondered.
Would the mom be kind like Burnin?
Would the dad be stern like Endeavor?
Would he have siblings?
Would there be any pets like a dog or cat? He liked cats, but if the parents didn't would he not have one?

There was so much Zorn was trying to wrap around his head that he hit it against the wall just next to the entrance of the Police station, making him instinctively rub it to ease the pain.

"Gotta watch where you're going or that'll happen. Now, let's get inside."


Considering that this person was helping him, Zorn placed his trust in him for the time being. After all you trust those who help you, right?


Through the double doors, they were met with a couple more faces, perhaps the detective's colleagues. They all greeted Tsukauchi before questioning him about the child, which he merely responded with, "He's an important part of the current situation."

After explaining that, they merely left them alone. Though Tsukauchi called for one of, Zorn assumed to be, friends to follow him an Zorn upstairs.

The room they were met with was cluttered. Numbers of desks filled to the brim with papers and documents were revealed by the bright rays of light that overwhelmed Zorn's vision.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12 ⏰

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