Chapter Ten

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In the depths of Hell, Satan limped through the smoldering corridors of his infernal fortress. His once-majestic form was now battered and broken, his pride shattered by the defeat at the hands of the Avengers and their divine allies. But it was the thought of Blaze Aegis, the upstart mortal granted heavenly powers, that truly burned in his mind.

As he reached his throne room, Satan's eyes blazed with renewed fury. "This isn't over," he growled, his voice echoing through the cavernous chamber. "Blaze Aegis may have won this battle, but he won't have the Ultima Shard forever. I'll reclaim what's rightfully mine, and when I do, all realms will tremble before me."

The Ultima Shard - a fragment of primordial power that Satan had long sought. Now it rested in the hands of his newest and most infuriating enemy. The very thought made his wounds ache with fresh intensity.

As Satan slumped onto his obsidian throne, a sultry voice cut through the oppressive silence. "My Lord, perhaps I can be of assistance in your hour of need?"

From the shadows emerged Meru, a succubus of unparalleled beauty and cunning. Her eyes glowed with an unholy light as she approached the fallen angel, hips swaying hypnotically.

Satan's eyes narrowed, a mixture of suspicion and interest in his gaze. "And what could you offer me, Meru, that countless others have not already failed to provide?"

Meru's lips curled into a wicked smile. "Information, my Lord. I have eyes and ears in places even you cannot reach. The mortal realm holds secrets about this Blaze Aegis and the Ultima Shard - secrets that could turn the tide in your favor."

Satan leaned forward, intrigued despite himself. "Go on."

"The Shard has a weakness," Meru purred, her voice dripping with dark promise. "And Blaze Aegis, for all his power, is still human at his core. Every human has desires, fears... vulnerabilities we can exploit."

A cruel smile spread across Satan's face as he considered the possibilities. "Very well, Meru. You have my attention. Together, we shall plot our revenge. Blaze Aegis and his precious Avengers may have won this round, but the war is far from over."

As Meru began to outline her insidious plan, the fires of Hell burned brighter, fueled by Satan's rekindled ambition. In the mortal realm above, the heroes celebrated their victory, unaware of the dark machinations unfolding beneath their feet. The stage was set for a new chapter in the eternal struggle between good and evil, with the fate of the Ultima Shard - and perhaps all of creation - hanging in the balance.

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