A Twisted Romance

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This is the beginning of my first vampire book. NOTE: If you're looking for a normal vampire story where the girl is the defenseless human and she falls for some hot vampire jerk and in the end they get married and crap like that, TURN AWAY NOW! This is a horror story. You should also know that I don't like to hold back details. I might add some graphic things later on in the story, so be warned if you're squeamish. Alright then, enjoy!


"Wait! What-what do you mean?" the girl cried over the blaring music. I rolled my eyes, and turned towards her. This girl just didn't get it.

"Look," I started slowly, "It's just not working out, alright?"She started getting all teary eyed. "Aw, don't cry! C'mon! There're lots of guys out there who'd want to do out with you!"

"It's 'cause I'm ugly isn't it!?" she sobbed into her hands. Ugh! I hate it when girls act like that. Maybe I should start going for more serious girls instead of random girls from some club.

"No! No! You're not ugly! It's not working out that's all! Sorry, uh..."

"Tiffany! My name's Tiffany!" she squealed angrily. I turned and walked away before Tiffany could grill me on her name. I scanned the crowds of people, looking for my friend, Howie.

"Hey, Gabe! Over here!" I turned to see Howie pushing threw the crowd towards me. When they got to me, Howie frowned at me when he saw my face. "You messed with another girl, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I did..." I muttered.

"Dude, you gotta stop doing that! That's  the third girl in two days! One day, being a jerk will come back around get ya, you know?" He nagged.

"Okay,okay! I'll stop," I said dismissively as I scoped the room. Just then my eyes fell on a girl sitting at the bar; by herself nonetheless. "Right after I meet that girl over there. Wish me luck." I clapped him on the back and left him glaring at me. He always was overprotective of me ever since we were kids.

I sat down beside the girl, and gasped. She was by far the most beautiful woman that. Her glossy raven-black hair was pulled up into a neat ponytail, and it still fell to her waist. Her pale skin shinned in the strobe lights. I didn't notice that I was gawking at her until she turned to me with a frowned. 

"Could you please tell me why you're staring at me? It is strange." She snapped her black eyes seemed to flash with irritation. I blinked.

"I-I'm sorry. It's just that...you're so pretty!" I breathed. I mentally slapped myself. 'Chill out, Gabe. She's just another girl.' " 

She scoffed. "That's what all men say." the girl said bitterly.

I said, "Well then all those guys that told you that have a good taste."

Her eyes narrowed, then they softened. "Okay, I'll bite." she turned to the bartender and asked for two drinks I'd never heard of. She handed one to me. "I'll start. My name's Pandora."

"Pandora?" 'That's not something you hear everyday' I thought.

"Yeah. What's yours?" she took a sip of her drink.

"I'm Gabriel. Nice to meet you." I grinned.

We talked all night and had a great time until...

"Hey Gabe! We need to leave!" Howie yanked me up and pulled me towards the exit.

"Wait!" Pandora called out. She jogged towards us in her impossibly high heels.

"Yeah, you heard the lady. Wait!" I brushed Howie off and walked over to her. "What's up?"

She took out a pen and grabbed my hand. "Here's my number. Call me sometime, 'kay?" She wrote her number down.

'Damn' I yelled in my head. I sighed as quietly as possible, then smiled at her. "Sure!" I said as enthusiastically as I could muster. She waved goodbye, and left with her hips swaying dramatically and her long legs stepping one foot in front of the other like a model.

I heard Howie sigh as he watched me looking after Pandora. "This is what I was worried about. You're not going to call her! You're just gonna break her heart like every other girl!" He ran his hand through his curly brown hair. "Gabriel, you need to grow up." With that he left.

Later on that night, I was getting ready to go to bed. I glanced down at the number on my hand for a moment.What if Howie was right? Maybe I did need to grow up. I shook my head and went to my bathroom sink and washed the number off. I wasn't going to let Howie get to me. I watched as the blue ink swirled in a spiral down the sink and into the drain. 

"Whatever," I murmured, "Like some girl's gonna get to me." 

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