Chapter 2

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This part introduces a new character and gets the book started! :D Hope you like!

I opened my eyes slowly, and instantly shut them when the bright morning light poured into my eyes. I covered my head with my blanket and groaned, I knew that if I didn't now, I never would. I groggily got up and stumbled into my bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. My brown hair was sticking out in all directions, and I looked tired and a little somber. I sighed and got ready for the day ahead.

Once I had everything done, I left my apartment and made my way downstairs. Just when I opened the door to get outside, someone crashed into me. We both fell to the ground.

"Hey watch it!" I growled. I looked up to see a girl staring at me with big amber eyes. Her auburn hair framed her face in soft, delicate curls.

"I'm sorry!" she blushed, and picked herself up. She scanned the room. "Heh! I'm in the wrong apartment any way!" She laughed nervously, and held her hand out to me. "Hi. I'm Camille. Sorry about that little incident."

I took her hand, and she pulled me up, "Name's Gabriel, but you can call me Gabe."

She tilted her head and smiled brightly. "Well, Gabe, nice to meet you!"

"So, where're you heading, Camille?"

She rubbed her neck and blushed again. "Well, I was planning to go to my apartment, but... I went in the wrong building. Silly me!"

She glanced down at my T-Shirt and gasped.

"What?! What?!" I asked, looking down at my shirt worriedly.

"Green Day! I love that band!" she squealed. "Not a lot of people like that band around here. We should hang out sometime!"

"Well, why don't we hang out now?"

"Uh, I don't know..." she began.

"C'mon! It'll be fun!" I chided.

She bit her lip thoughtfully, and looked up at me. After a moment she smiled and nodded. "Okay, where to?"


Later on...

"Wait! So the guy really thought you guys were married?!" I asked, bewildered.

Camille laughed softly. "Yup. I was just in Vegas with my friends, and we were walking down the street at night. Out of nowhere a drunk dude pops up saying I was his wife!"

We both laughed loudly causing everyone around us in the park to look at us strange. We didn't care though.

"What about the saying 'what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas'?" I ask between chuckles. "You shouldn't be telling me all this!"

"Yeah well I'm a pretty open person!" Camille said wistfully. She glanced around. "Hey," she whispered in my ear. "We should leave. Our laughing drew a crowd."

I looked up, and immediatelysaw what she was talking about. People were lingering around us and muttering. I sighed. "Don't these people have lives?" I said loud enough for them all to hear. Some people gasped and started leaving, while others stayed and glared at me. "Whatever. C'mon Camille, let's get out of here."

I grabbed her hand, and we left.

I whistled in approving as I took in the scenery. The sound of the birds singing in the distance, green hills, and the warm breeze wasn't really something I was used to; living in the city all the time you don't see grass this green and skies this blue! God I hope that didn't sound too cheesy...

"Now here's a more peaceful place. Nice choice, Camille!" I yawned and playfully put my head on her lap.

"Hey! Get off, fattie!" she giggled.

I looked up at her and pouted. "I'm not fat!" I protested. She rolled her eyes as if she were saying, 'yeah right!'

"Oh, and by the way you can call me Cam if you like. People say my name's a mouthful, so they call me that instead."

"Alright then, I'll call you Cam from now on." I promised. She smiled gratefully and looked up at the burning, red evening sky. She frowned for a moment then her eyes widened.

"Aw, crap!" she yelped as she jumped up, which made my head thump on the ground. "Crap, crap, crap!"

"Ow! What's wrong!?" I rubbed my head gingerly and stood up.

"I was supposed to go over to my brother's house today! He's gonna be so ticked off!" she squealed. At this point she was literally jumping up and down. "We need to go now, now, NOW!"

"Okay! Okay! We'll go! Wow, is your brother so vicious that you act like you're on something everytime your late meeting him!?" I asked as I helped her into my car (See! I don't have to be a jerk all time! Take THAT Howie!).

"No! He's nine, and... well you know how nine year-olds can be, right?"

I nodded in understanding. Nine-years olds can be a pain, I'll give her that.

It was dark out when we drove up to her apartment building.

I turned to her and said warily, "You won't get lost finding your apartment, will you?"

She grinned and punched me in the arm. "Oh, shut up, fattie." she teased. "Thanks for hanging out with me. That was the most fun I've had in a long time!"

We said our goodbyes and she left. I parked my car in the garage on the other side of the road, and began walking to my building. The streets were strangely quiet and deserted, which was not normal on a Saturday night. I shrugged and kept on walking until I heard the steps of clacking heels against the pavement.

"Gabe!" someone called out. "Gabe, over here!"

I turned to see the girl from the club a night or two ago. "Pan-uh- Panama?"

She got closer and frowned. "It's Pandora. How'd you forget my name so quick?"

"I-I'm sorry, but Pandora, how'd you find me?" I asked looking around to find out where the hell she came from.

"That's beside the point. I need to talk to you, now." she grabbed me by the collar and pulled into a nearby alley.

"Hey! Whattaya-!"

"Shh!" she hissed as she pushed me back into a brick wall. "Listen!" her frown changed into a curious, concerned look and said, "You know I've met a lot of people like you; charming, cute, self-centered, arrogant... Anyway, there's something different about you. Something unique," she got closer and closer, backing me up against the wall more and more. "And I love it!"

In a split second she grabbed me by the hair, and bit my neck! She covered my mouth with her hand. I kicked and fought as much as I could, but a feeling of numbness washed over me as I felt something leave my body in large gulps. My knees buckled, and I fell to the ground, staring wide-eyed up at Pandora. She grinned widely as she stood over me and wiped something from her mouth with the back of her hand. She crouched down beside me while she licked whatever she wiped off of her mouth from her hand.

"That was so much better than I imagined!" she gushed, looking intently into my eyes. I noticed that her usual black eyes became an iridescent blue. She brought her face very close to mine. "Oh, Gabriel..." she kissed me on the forehead as my vision began to fade. I could barely make out the last words she whipered in my ear. "I think I love you..." 

O_O yea it's a bit to the point... but at least it doesn't linger on the useless facts :D

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2011 ⏰

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