CHARACTERS : How you met them PT. 1

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DEAN. . .

Your chin rested down against the palm of your hand, as you examined over a diner, in which you sat. The moment you took to gaze up from your research, you could immediately tell that the normal bustle of customers was thinning. The place's business was, clearly, running slow. There was you, and one elderly gentleman. He sat, beating the end of a glass ketchup bottle, which made you silently chuckle.. The only person, other than him, was the waitress stood behind the counters; wiping them clean for the night.

This was never a bad thing from your perspective. The less people, meant you took more comfort in the restaurant. When one was vacant, and quiet of chatter, it was easy to dine in peace & find your next marked mission. There would be no distractions of customers causing a fret over the waitress misunderstanding an order. Instead, you were given time of silence, exceptions for the slight buzz of the open sign.

With a laptop sat on the table in front of you, your eyes were skimming through the articles of several slaughterings that had happened as of recently. Local, and across the map. Though, most of them appeared to be the typical human-on-human crime that happened daily. Purely for the fact that no hearts, or internal organs had disappeared from the remains. It screamed the work of a serial killer, and far from supernatural.

Lately leading the life of a hunter had been quite dull. The hunting business had grown booming, meaning that many cases had already been taken care of, by the hands of another hunter. It was nearing impossible to find a case. And the ones you did get lucky with, always ended up being debunked the minute you traveled to the town it was taking place in.

To say the least, it all frustrated you. Saving lives was your only way at being productive in the world, and it was slowly but surely becoming hard for you to do. The lack of doing anything was even beginning to affect your self esteem. You'd often times find yourself asking a question such as: what kind of hunter can't find any paranormal to kill?

Sighing your way out of your thoughts, you went back into the search of several police databases and news articles. You'd scrolled for so long, your index finger was growing numb..

That was when something caught your attention.
A title withholding a bold statement.


This was it. Every word in the header screamed unnatural, a case that beckoned for you. 

Quick to finish off your [F/F], you closed the lid of your laptop and left a five dollar tip for the waitress. You were more than ready to get on the road, and find out what was going on behind the local mystery. Once you stuck your laptop in your bag, you were out of the door, and making a beeline to your parked 1970 Black Plymouth Sport Fury GT. You were most definitely a sucker for the classics. Classic movies, cars, and most of all; music.

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