Chapter Twelve - Knock Out

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I sat there with my knees drawn to my chest, peering out over the vast darkness that surrounded the sleeping town of Myrefall. No matter how much I tried to make sense of it all I continued to end up more baffled than before. I was supposed to claim a throne and rule beside that strange man, Deaus, and become some queen of hell? On top of that, I would have to become a Sumaire and that just did not sound enjoyable. Hell, I still wasn't even quite sure what a Sumaire was. He had said it was like a vampire, but they weren't like any vampires I had ever seen in movies or read in books. In retrospect, I probably should have let them finish explaining before I left but I just couldn't handle it anymore. Hindsight is 20/20. I had felt like my brain was in meltdown mode and part of me still feared being around Deaus, despite Horror being there. So, I panicked and ran.

Horror held up his hand, allowing the red glow that surrounded it to light up the otherwise darkened area. Deaus had gone quiet, aside from his attempts at coaxing Divinity out of her hiding spot. Horror knew this whole ordeal had been hard on him and he prayed they would find her before the others; they had to. "My lord, have you tried to sense her?" Horror suggested but received no answer. He moved his head to look at him. Deaus was not beside him where he once was. He stopped and peered behind him. Standing around ten feet back, Deaus had stopped and began to watch the moon. Horror's heart felt broken for his poor master. How lonely he had been all these years. It was painful to watch and he knew it was unbearable for Deaus. He always tried to act like it didn't bother him, but Horror knew it did.

"My lord?" Horror questioned softly as he strode back to where he was standing, breaking Deaus' trance. He lowered his face and gazed at Horror. "Yes?" He asked softly and Horror could sense that he had been on the verge of tears. "Have you tried sensing Lady Divinia?" He repeated. Deaus shook his head. "No. She is human. Therefore there is no power within her for me to sense." He replied gloomily. A chuckle ushered past Horror's pout. "My lord, part of her power has been awakened." Deaus' head shot up at these words. "What? How?!" He half screamed. Horror raised his hand to his ear, stuck his finger into the canal, and shook it. "My lord, perhaps you might lower your voice some? My ears are ringing."

Deaus was taken back and sighed. "I'm sorry, old friend." He responded. Horror chuckled once more. "During our meeting in the void." He told him. "After you left, I awoke a small part of her power so that she and her acquaintances could escape the caverns unharmed." Deaus eyed him closely. "And you didn't think to tell me this earlier?" He chastised. Horror held back a laugh. "You did not ask, my lord." He stated with a knowing smirk. Deaus hated when he did that. Withholding information from him just to see him sweat. Did he not realize that Divinia could be in trouble? He sighed and moved past Horror. Once a good few feet away, he closed his eyes and delved into the realm of power. No sooner had he opened the gate before he pinpointed her location. In a flash, he began to run towards the small section of the park known as 'Tempest's Cliff.' Horror watched him run, aware that he had found her. A smile lit his face as he began a slow walk after him.

I sighed. I had been hiding for a while now and still, my mind swam with uncertainties and questions. A part of me didn't want to believe them. But I had to admit that I had always felt out of place here and the only time I felt as if I belonged was when my friends were around. Maybe I should have told them everything. Maybe they could have helped me in some way. But I didn't and it's too late now. Would they have believed me anyway? Even I have trouble believing all of this and I experienced it first hand. But that was the problem. No matter how much I tried to deny it... I believed them. So much of what they had told me made sense. My whole life had been weird. Strange shadows following me around, weird people watching me on the streets, and even in my school. I had always just chalked it up to perverts and paranoia but... what if they weren't? What if they held some connection to those creatures that had chased us into the cave? What if...

My thoughts were cut short as I heard the trees rustle above me. I lifted my head towards the cliff above just in time to see a man appear. He had burst through the edge of the grove above... only to yelp and fall from the cliff. I watched in awe as he landed on the ground beside me, face first into the rock, spread eagle. That HAD to hurt. I thought to myself as Deaus remained motionless. I shifted from sitting crisscross to on my knees and slowly moved towards him. "Mr. Crazy?" I whispered questioningly as I moved my hand to touch his back. "Deaus?" I repeated. He didn't move as my hand grazed his back in a small poke. I shifted towards him more and touched my fingers to his throat. I could feel a pulse, so that was a plus. Though I felt something more. Warmth trailed up my fingers from his skin. A shiver ran down my spine. What the hell was wrong with me? I've heard of Stockholm syndrome before but this was ridiculous.

"Do not worry about him." I heard a voice above me. I jumped and looked up as Horror descended from the cliff as if he was flying, not once touching the rocks. With a soft thump, his feet connected with the ground and he strode over to where Deaus had been lying. "He's out cold." I said as I watched Horror, still shocked at his entrance. "Not surprising with a fall such as that." He replied as he nudged Deaus's forehead with the tip of his black boot and received no response. He chuckled and moved his eyes to gaze at me. "But it gives us a chance to speak privately."

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