Chapter Fourteen - The Plummet

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Her scream resonated throughout his mind. It was like a beacon in the dark, seeking him and him alone. The two Sumaira had rejoiced in having pushed her off the ledge, though their celebration came too soon. In their excitement they had lost their balance. Shrieking, they fell from the cliffs and into the darkness below. He could feel more of the Sumaira moving around him as if to replace their lost brethren. Several moved to take up where the others had left off. On either side of him he could feel their hands clamping around his upper and lower limbs as they tried to scoot him off the ledge.

Foolish creatures. He mused to himself. Do they truly believe they could get rid of me so easily? He braced himself and pushed up from the ground, dragging the now flailing Sumaira with him as they clung to his limbs. They were strong but he was stronger. He managed to stand but doubt racked his mind. There was no way he would be able to express the amount of agility needed to fight them all off, help Horror, and save Divinity with these things attached to him. As if Horror had read his mind, he turned his head slightly towards Deaus while still trying to fend off the attacking Sumaira. "Do not fret about me, my Lord. Save her! She is the one we must protect!" He tried to protest but he knew Horror was right. There was only one chance and he had to take it. He closed his eyes and in a swift motion threw himself over the edge of the cliff, taking the four flailing Sumaira with him.

Air rushed past me, whipping my hair at my face like mini whips. Everything passed so slowly. It felt as if I had fallen from the moon to the earth but I highly doubted so. I could feel myself screaming as I fell but could no longer hear anything over the air as it screamed past my ears. Tears began to fall from my eyes only to be sucked upwards into the vortex of wind surrounding me. My mind wandered to all of the things I never had a chance to do and now never would. I thought of my family; my mother who raised me when my dead beat father ran out on us years ago; my grandfather who was riddled with sickness. How would they handle the news of my death? For that matter, what would they be told? That I had simply fallen from the cliff? That seemed most likely to me. Obviously they wouldn't be told the truth because who on earth would know what really happened, aside from myself and the two men still on the cliff. And for that matter, who would even believe it? I hadn't when this all started.

My mind drifted to my friends. Alethia, Amara, Toril, Tibbolt, and Skylar. My wonderful friends. I wished I could go back and be open with them about the whole thing. Deaus and Horror; claims of being a dead queen; my strange power in the caves; the creatures. It all seemed pretty silly now, not telling them. But now... there was nothing I could do about it. They would never know and maybe it was for the best that they didn't.

I yelped as my falling body slammed into a branch protruding from the cliff. I tried to cling to it, only to slip and continue to fall. I could feel my body hitting rocks as I fell, my clothes ripping and my flesh scraping against them. Shrieking could be heard from above as I dared a peek. Two flailing Sumaira hurdled past me, seemingly missing any and all obstacles that the cliff instead threw in my path. Pure terror lit the faces of the creatures as they continued to speed towards the ground. At least some of them got what they deserved. I quarter-heartedly mused as I closed my eyes tightly. I knew I would share their fate soon and I didn't want to see it happen. Another scream pierced the darkness as I felt my ankle connect against a large rock protrusion. Pain shot up my leg, my ankle flinging freely as I fell, only held on by flesh and muscle. CRACK! Another slam into the cliff, caught by a branch which gripped my leg. I dangled upside down for what seemed like minutes. My leg was screaming at me, though my screams were louder. I eyed the branch as I slowly tried to reach it with one hand. Just a little more... I can make it... I silently tried to encourage myself. The pain in my ankle was horrendous. So much so that I had began to see dark spots dancing before my eyes as my fingers brushed the branch's bark.

CRACK! I felt my leg crack just as the branch did, sending me plummeting back towards the ground once again. I never thought I could scream so loud or so horrifyingly; but I did. The pain was unimaginable, agonizing, and terrifying. I prayed that I would die on impact. The thought of choking on my own blood, unable to move any part of my battered and broken body terrified me. I nearly choked. Me? Afraid? That was not something I was aware of. Sure, I had my fears but death had never been one of them. But now, rocketing down this cliff towards my impending death, I realized that I was afraid; I was afraid of dying. So many times today I thought I would die and it had only been the mad man that frightened me. Yet here I fell, horrified at the thought. Tears poured from my eyes, though none stayed on my flesh.

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