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'Katrina Malfoy?'

In the dimly lit chamber, shadows flickered across the stone walls, cast by the single, sputtering torch mounted near the entrance. The air was thick with an unsettling chill, and the silence was broken only by the faint, nervous shuffling of Peter Pettigrew, who stood trembling before his master.

At the center of the room, on an ornate but dark throne-like chair, sat Lord Voldemort. His un-grown form and serpentine features were partially obscured by the darkness, but his eyes glowed with a malevolent intensity.

Wormtail swallowed hard, his voice quivering as he spoke. "Yes, m-my Lord, it appears that Katrina Malfoy... she has been making inquiries. She might have discovered who put Potter's name in the Goblet of Fire."

Voldemort's eyes narrowed, and he leaned forward slightly, his interest piqued. "Katrina Malfoy?" he repeated, his voice a cold whisper that sent shivers down Wormtail's spine. The name lingered in the air, heavy with implications.

"Yes, my Lord," Wormtail stammered. "She is... she is proving to be more troublesome than we anticipated. She has a certain... rebellious streak, much like Sirius Black."

Voldemort's lips curled into a thin, cruel smile. "A Malfoy defying her heritage... intriguing. And you say she has figured out the truth about the Goblet?"

Wormtail nodded frantically. "Yes, my Lord. She seems determined to expose our plan."

Voldemort leaned back, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "Katrina Malfoy... It seems I will need to address this new threat personally. The Malfoys' loyalty has always been... conditional. But a Malfoy in open rebellion? This could be advantageous... or disastrous."

He waved a dismissive hand at Wormtail, who bowed deeply, relief and fear mingling on his face as he scurried out of the room. Voldemort's gaze lingered on the door long after Wormtail had gone, a sinister smile playing on his lips.

"So, Katrina Malfoy," he murmured to himself. "Let's see what you're truly made of."

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