Chapter 1

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I yawn as I wake up, the room is dim. It has been two months since Rorke killed my dad and I couldn't get the image out of my head. I wipe away the sweat from my head. I had just woke up from another nightmare, this wasn't the first time since my dad's death I have been having one every few nights if I get some sleep which had become rare.

I decided to go for a walk. I got up and started walking out of my room. It was early in the morning probably around four so the base was pretty quiet. I rubbed my face as I went into the bathroom. I heard a shower running which suggests that one of the night shifts must have finished and was getting ready for bed.

I made sure to be quiet as to not alert them of my presence. I slipped into a toilet stall and sat down. I rubbed my face listening for any other sounds. My eyes feel heavy. I got up and walk over to the sink. I splash my face with water trying to wake myself up.

"Who's there?" The person in the Shower asks. I sigh and look up at my reflection in the mirror. "Sargent Logan Walker. Go back to whatever you were doing" I say my voice a bit colder than I wanted it to be. I walk out of the bathroom and downstairs towards the common room. I enter the empty room and sat down. I still feel tired due to constantly waking up in the night.

I hear footsteps coming down the corridor but I don't care that much. Then the door to the room opens. I tense up but relax when I saw Hesh's reflection in the window. I smile slightly and give him a small wave. He sits next to me and puts his arm around my shoulders. I lean into him and close my eyes. "Thinking about it too huh?" He whispers softly. I nod and nuzzle myself closer to him.

We sit in silence for a while and he just plays with my hair. "I keep thinking about it and I just can't get it out of my head" he says with a sigh and leans back. I nod and wrap my arms around his waist.

I'm trying not to think about it but I can't help but see that image of my dad...dead.

"DAD! NO DAD! DON'T LEAVE ME!" I scream just as Rorke leave the room. I can hear Hesh shouting as well.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU SON OF A BITCH!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Hesh shouts just as the door closes

I wake up and I'm on my knees three federation soldiers walk over to me, Hesh and Merrick. The soldier at the front of the group then points at me. "Boss wants the youngest one alive" He says before aiming at Hesh.

"Hesh..." I manage to croak out. Looking at him with wide eyes. Hesh just hangs his head down as if knowing his fate. I wriggle around trying to escape but I only manage to end up in a sitting position. I look up at the building that is opposite the building we're in and see a few flashes of light like the reflection from a sniper scope. Then the gunshot rings out and the federation soldier falls to his knees before slumping.

My eyes snapped open and I sit bolt upright. My breathing coming out in quick breaths. "Logan? Calm down it was just a nightmare" Hesh soothes me, stroking my hair. I rub my eyes and look at him. "W...what happened?" I manage to stutter.

"You had a nightmare, you were shouting something about dad" he whispers pulling me closer. I blink a few times. "Flashback..." I whisper snuggling my face into the crook of his neck.

A few hours later we heard movement as the day shift started to get ready for work. "I guess we should get moving" Hesh says before standing up and offering me a Hand. I grab his hand and he pulls me to my feet.


I watch as Logan goes back to his room to get into his uniform. I sigh and lower my head before walking towards my room. It hurts seeing my brother so troubled that he can't sleep without nightmares. I wish I could help him but I haven't figured out how to stop my own nightmares.

Today we will be heading to our last  carrier ship. We are risking everything in this war against the federation, against Rorke.

I walk into my room and close the door behind me. I close my eyes and start to think. I'm not the same person I was when I first joined the war. When I close my eyes I see the person I used to be.

"Sorry, thought you could do with the rest" I say throwing the ball against the wall for Riley, our dog. Logan rubs his eyes as he wakes up. I chuckle at his disheveled look. He gives me a sleepy grin.

"You better hope dad doesn't find out you let me sleep while on duty" he says playfully. I laugh lightheartedly.

Riley suddenly tenses up and growls. "what is it boy?" I say quickly as I get up and crouch next to the large German shepherd and grab his harness.

"What is it?" Logan asks grabbing his Honey-badger and holding it ready to shoot.

"Riley's got something" I whisper "let's go" I signal forward and we start to make our way through the abandoned theatre.

We check our corners as our earpiece crackles. "We need you at the wall" I hear a soldier say.

I sigh and put my finger to my ear. "Affirmative, on our way" I reply climbing over some rubble. "Come on Logan" I say hoping onto what used to be the balcony or the theatre.

I look behind me and see Logan scrambling up with Riley just in front of him. "Coming!" He calls out.

I carry on walking...

"Hesh?" A voice calls out "the hell you doing in there?" I snap out of my trance and I'm back in my room.

"Shit" I groan and open my door to see Merrick looking at me. He doesn't look very impressed and I try not to make eye contact.

"You ain't even dressed" he groans and rubs his temple. I make a small mumbling sound which caught his attention. "What was that? Speak louder"

I look up "I had a flashback, I'm sorry" I whisper looking him in his brown eyes. He looks a little more sympathetic now.

"Alright, just get changed and grab your stuff, We're leaving soon" he says patting my shoulder. He turns and walked away from my room.

I close my door and quickly got into my navy coloured camo uniform. I quickly grab my weapons and grab the few belongings I have.

In my time as a ghost I have learnt to travel light as we rarely stay in one place for long. I grab my dog tags and slide them over my head and around my neck.

I look in the mirror that I have in my room and looked at my reflection. My dark brown hair was messy and unkept, my brown eyes looking exhausted with dark circles under them.

I put my helmet on and fasten the straps, then I did my face paint in the usual skull pattern just like the masks the others wear.

I grab my backpack and swing it over my shoulder.

Let's go.

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