Chapter 15 (smut)

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I wrap my arms around Keegan as he holds me. My heart was hammering in my chest as if it was about to jump out and escape. I started to feel sick from the anxiety.

"Hesh... he's in the infirmary" I whisper. Keegan runs his hand through my hair and then tilts my chin up.

"Why?" He asks me.

"Rorke tried to get me to shoot him...but I refused to... Rorke aimed at me but quickly aimed at Hesh and shot him...I didn't...I...I couldn't save him in time...I feel like I failed." I whisper softly avoiding his gaze.

"Look at me" he orders me.

My eyes slowly wander back to his light greyish blue eyes. They are filled with sorrow, hurt and sympathy.

"It wasn't your fault. You tried to and that's all that matters. You may not have stopped him from being shot but you brought him somewhere he can get help" he tells me his hand wandered under my shirt.

"But... If I had been just a bit faster..." I whisper.

His hand rubs my stomach and wanders up to my chest. I let out a content sigh.

"You tried. Rorke... he's always been fast... unfortunately that's can't be helped but you did what you could" he says.

Heat pools in my stomach and starts spreading across my body as his hand keeps rubbish my chest.

"K... Keegan~" I whimper "w...we should do this somewhere private"

Keegan keeps rubbing my chest before his hand wanders down and down and down.

"Keegan!" I yelp as his hand went under my trousers.

He chuckles slightly and rubs me through my boxers. My breathing became shaky as I tried to keep calm.

"Keegan~" I moaned "shouldn't we take it somewhere private!"

He laughs and rubs me a bit faster and I felt myself starting to get hard.

I'm not officially dating him...I think, and he's already giving me a hand job.

His hand slips under my boxers and I yelp at the sudden wave of pleasure that racks my body.

"You won't be able to walk for a good few days pretty boy" he growled.

I moan softly as he speaks and I feel myself get fully hard.

"Awh look at you~ all hard for me already" he teased me.

I whine and throw my head back, I grip his shirt as he keeps moving his hand up and down my length. I let out some soft moans as the pleasure racks my body over and over again.

"Keegan~" I moan softly before I look into his eyes.

"Say my name like that again" he growls into my ear.

"Keegan~" I moan again softly.

My hips buck forward as the pleasure increases even more. My legs start to shake and I start to slump. Keegan sits me back up before starting to rub my length again.

"Keegan!" I cry out before my breath caught in my throat.


I stood watching Kick to make sure he did his work. My arms were crossed over my chest. I rub the bridge of my nose then scratched my beard.

"But...I don't want to do this" Kick whined for the hundredth time.

"I don't care Kick we need to get that report" I say sternly.

I tilt my head up and let out a sigh. I blink my eyes to stop the tiredness from taking over. I heard something from the room Keegan and Logan were in. I walked to the wall and put my ear to it and listened to what was Happening.

"You won't be able to walk for a good few days pretty boy" I heard Keegan growl.

I heard what sounded like Logan moaning softly as Keegan spoke.

"Awh look at you~ all hard for me already" Keegan said with a hint of teasing in his voice.

I blushed when I realised what was more likely happening in that room.

"What's going on?" Kick ask looking over his shoulder.

"I...I...I think they're fucking each other..." I whisper.

"Damn" Kick said nonchalantly.

I walked over to Kick and tried to focus on getting him back to work.

"Back to work soldier" I order him.

"But I can't with all that noise" he whines.

"Deal with it, now work" I say glaring at him.

He turns back around in his chair and starts typing on the computer again.

After a few minutes I hear the door open and I turn to see Logan and Keegan walk in. Keegan was carrying Logan in his arms.

"Did you hear us?" Keegan asks a bit sheepishly.

"It was hard not to..." Kick says with a shrug. I elbow his shoulder.

"Ow" he groans "I was just saying"

Keegan went a dark shade of red ant turned away.

"S... sorry" Keegan whispered.

Logan let out soft whimper and Keegan rubbed his back. I shake my head slightly and hit Kick upside the head.

"You could have lied to make them not embarrassed" I growl.

"But that's being dishonest!" Kick whines.

"When have you ever cared about being honest?" I ask giving him a skeptical look.

Logan chuckled slightly and kick looked offended.

"I'm always honest!" Kick protested.

"No your not" Logan said in the most calm voice even though he was stiffling a laugh.

"I am!" Kick whines.

"Shut up" Keegan growls and Kick fell silent.

We all fell silent for a while as the atmosphere was tense. Kick shuffles awkwardly, I stand there as stoic as ever, Logan grips Keegans shirt and Keegan looks slightly annoyed. I look at Kick and he looks back at me.

"You know what I'm about to say" I tell him sternly.

"Report...I know" he says swiveling his chair to face the computer.

"What did I do?" He whispered to himself "why is everyone else pissed off at me?"

I sigh and shake my head before walking over to Keegan and Logan.

"Would have preferred if you guys hadn't heard us" Keegan whispered sheepishly.

"Well you did do it in the command room. But hey, I don't care as long as you don't do it in front of someone. You do you man" I say patting his shoulder.

Logan whimpers and his hand went to his crotch where the obvious bulge was. Keegan looks down at him.

"Rubbing it won't make it go down faster, love" Keegan says to Logan.

"Yeah, it's best to give it a few moments for it to go down on its own. Rubbing it will make it stay longer" I say rubbing his shoulder "you should clean yourself up tho"

Logan whimpers and Keegan chuckles softly.

"I'll go visit Hesh and see how he's doing" I say

"I'll go with you!" Logan exclaims using his hands to push his head from Keegan's chest but his arms were shaking and he rested his head back on Keegan's chest again.

"In that condition? I don't think so" I say chuckling.

Logan looks at me then reluctantly agrees and closed his eyes. Keegan carried Logan towards the accommodation blocks.

I walk towards the infirmary and hope they managed to save Hesh.

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