One last kiss

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**Nash's P.O.V.**

"Dear Nash, ever since I met you I was in love. Trust me, I do still love you a lot but the standards have changed. You're never here. I wish I could tell you in person but you aren't here with me. I didn't text you because that's the worst way to break up right? Well now that the message is out I wish you the best and hope you stay strong. Don't worry about me, I've already moved on. I met a boy named Scott during school. I just hope that you don't take this the wrong way. I hope you enjoy your new life and have fun on tour."

Day 1

This is how she broke up with me. I was on my way back to the hotel when I got a call from my parents. They told me that my girlfriend sent me a letter and sent it to the hotel. Yeah I thought that was weird that is was a letter but who knew this would be the last physical thing I had that smelled like her. Yeah I know that's weird but I don't care. I couldn't sleep or eat. I just kept reading the letter but it was her voice in my head. I couldn't call her because she had already moved on to some "Scott" guy. He better be good to her. If he ever hurts her I don't even know what I would do...I just hopes he doesn't hurt her as bad as I did.

Day 2

I couldn't focus throughout the rest of the tour. Everyone kept asking if I was okay. I just lied and said I was. I've never felt this kind of sadness. Its kind of addicting. Its kind of exciting but at the same time so painful.

Day 3

Have you ever felt like your heart was beating so fast that you didn't know if it was real or not? Or lay awake at night looking at the ceiling thinking that you're the only thing left in the world?

Day 4

Today was really bad. Today was a meet and greet. All the fans kept asking if we broke up. One of them showed me a picture of them kissing. I couldn't stop looking at it. Just thinking about someone else making her that happy. I kind of felt happy for her but at the same time felt like crying out loud. Cameron asked me if I wanted to film a video with him that night. I rejected him and said I was feeling sick.

Day 5

I feel like I have this new kind of anxiety. I keep biting my nails and bobbing my leg up and down. I can't stop shaking. It feels like something; demon like; took over me. I keep having mood swings. One minute I will be extremely happy and other times I'm so sad I can't move.

Day 6

I keep reading the text messages we had. She would always send me a picture of her outfit of the day and asked if she looked okay. I just laughed at the thought of her thinking she didn't look okay. In fact, she is the most beautiful person I've ever met. People say that I shouldn't date her because she has brown eyes and when we had kids their eyes would be brown and not blue. I love her eyes. Her smile is perfect. Her hair lays perfectly even with her collarbone; not too long and not too short.

Day 7

Okay, so I made it though half of the day pretty well. We were supposed to be going home for a "break." I was so happy, maybe I would run into-no Nash, you need to forget about her. When we were back in town we decided to stop by a Starbucks that was near our houses. When I got there I saw her. She was with some guy; Scott I'm assuming.
"Hey Cameron, Aaron, N-" she stopped when she saw me. She looked like she had never seen me before.
"Nash, this is Scott, I was telling you about." She said looking at the floor.
"Hi." he said smiling at me. He was taller than me. He looked older. I just halfway smiled.
"How's the tour going?" She asked.
"Great." I said.
"That's cool, did you-"
"I really have to go, I'm sorry I just have some things to do after this and I really have to just leave." I said backing away.
"Oh, okay, see you around I guess." She said waving as I walked out of the door.
When I got outside I couldn't help but to let it all out. I felt like everything was crumbling apart even more. She acted like she didn't even know me.
"Nash are you okay?" Aaron asked. I shook my head.
"I can't do it anymore." I said
"Do what?"
"Cheer up man. Trust me man, things will get better I promise-"
"When? When will things get better? Everybody has been telling me that things will get better! I can't I can't ever get over her! Why? Because I love her! I love her to death and I can't live without her; I refuse to."
Aaron looked very shocked.
"Nash..." I heard someone say.
I turned around and it was her. I put my hands on my face.
"Kiss me." She said.
"Just kiss me one last time."
I leaned over and put so much passion and force into the kiss. Although it was good it was short. She didn't even kiss back. She just got up and left.

Year 1

I never saw her again after that day. She moved to New York to follow her dreams. Maybe one day she will be in movies. Or maybe she will have brown eyed babies with Scott. I'll never know. I started dating this girl. Emily is her name. I take her everywhere I go. I don't want to mess up again. Whatever happens in the future, I just know I will be fully supportive of her and her decisions, even if she does get married to Scott and not me. It doesn't really matter because I moved Emily...and I love her...I think.


Okay so that was my fifth book (I think) and if you like this book like and comment and if you want more like this than follow me. You can follow me in instagram which is olivia.gilinsky_ and my twitter is cameronisbaes. If you want one made personally for you then you can message me on here or you can DM me on twitter or on instagram. Overall thank you for reading and comment down below if you liked it. This book was requested by:xx5sos_storiesxx Thank you for reading♡♡♡♡

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