How Could the Obvious be Ignored?

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It had been about 3 years since then. Yet Serj still could not shake the feelings he knew he had. Even so, even through all the aches and pains and longing, he pushed through. Long enough for the band to be releasing their second studio album. They had finished it in early august, but it wasn't set to be released until September. He was proud of it, they all were. So proud that they felt a celebration was absolutely necessary.

While it was intended to be a small get together, just the band and their friends and girlfriends, it had accidentally extended beyond that. Friends of friends, girlfriends and boyfriends of friends of friends. Some other popular musicians that happened to live nearby, some family, a few people who worked for various recording studios and companies. It was a lot more than Serj had anticipated. A lot more than all of them had. Serj was good with crowds like this, he grew up public speaking, dealt with interviews and being in front of large audiences, so he coped pretty well with it all.

Though someone seemed to be struggling a bit more than him.

After quite a few hours of mingling, stealing small handfuls of crackers and treats from the tiny snack table, Serj had realized someone was missing.

The band had rented out a decently sized venue for their supposedly little celebration. It was a wedding venue turned party. It was a large, wooden space with tables and chairs around an open floor, their new album blaring in the background. Though it seemed almost inaudible, masked by all the talking.

There was a small, black, almost unnoticeable staircase at the very back of the building, leading up to a small ledge that then led to a door. Serj knew just where to look.

He made his way through the crowd of about 100 people, the other 50 or so opting to sit down at the tables. He briskly spoke with anyone who stopped him, but made it known he was in a bit of a rush! Once finally to the staircase, he climbed up. It was loud. creaky, and a little sketchy, almost scary to climb up. He managed however, slowly pushing the black metal door open. He let out an amused chuckle at the sight before him.

It was Daron, as expected. Leaning his elbows against the railing on the small balcony, joint in hand. The younger male immediately jumped up at the sudden loudness of the music, quickly turning his head, eyes wide and lips parted with surprise. His expression mellowed out quickly as he realized who had decided to join him.

"Too much for you too?" He asked, a small, awkward smile on his face.

"Nah, I'm good. Just wanted to come and find you." Serj simply responded, gently shutting the door behind him and joining the other. He too leaned his elbows over the railing, staring off into the darkness of night. Though it really wasn't dark at all, the lights and signs of LA lighting up the streets and sky. It was always a sight to behold.

"Yeah, you've always been better at dealing with crowds." The younger male commented, taking a long drag of the joint in between his fingers. Serj reveled in the sound of the others' voices, it was so unique, so nice to listen to. A little raspy but surprisingly high pitched.

"It's pretty funny." Serj spoke.

"What is?"

"You being so.. Uh.. weird, about larger groups of people." Real nice.

"What does that mean, man?" Daron asked, tilting his head to the side, giving the other his full attention.

"Like.. on stage. You're... wild! Full of energy. I can barely even recognize you when we're up there." The older male joked, a small, warm smile on his face. He didn't look at the other, simply staring off as the two spoke.

"It's just different, I guess."

Serj felt it too, it was almost easier being on stage. Up there he knew he had a show to put on. But in social settings, there was always a creeping sensation that he could've been doing something wrong. Saying the wrong thing, standing the wrong way.

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