What a Lame Game

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Daron hadn't heard from Serj in a little over 3 weeks by this point. It seemed like all he did now was sit by the phone and wait, perking up anxiously at every ring, only to deflate in disappointment when it wasn't Serj. It was never him. He couldn't stop thinking about what the two had talked about, he couldn't shake the moment from his mind.

He couldn't shake the thought that he should have said something else, anything else.

"Fuck, man."

Was that all he said?? He felt a twinge of guilt at the thought. The other had shared something so important with him, something so intimate, and that's all he could say? It all felt like a blur at this point. All he remembered were the feelings. The rush of blood to his face, the cold chill down his spine, the tightening in his chest, the way his heart skipped a beat at the others words. He played the moment over and over in his mind, every time wondering how things could have gone had he just said something.

3 weeks.

Daron was tired of waiting, tired of anxiously meandering around the phone. Tired of the sleepless nights and loss of appetite. But if Serj wasn't ready to talk, who was he to push him?? He went back and forth with himself over and over again, he could call Serj, maybe even turn up to his house. Or he could wait. He could wait with a pit in his stomach, his hands sweaty, and heart aching. Just had to wait. There were times where he had picked up the phone, hands shakily hovering over the small keypad, having to physically restrain himself from reaching out first.

He had been sitting at home on the couch in front of his small TV, joint in hand, when the phone loudly rang beside him. He jumped at the harsh noise, instantly reaching over and pressing the small, green answer button. The male brought it up to his phone, biting his lip anxiously, his eyes wide as he awaited the voice on the other end.

Daron couldn't help but let out a disappointed sigh at the sound. Not Serj.

It was Shavo, which was always a pleasant surprise. After a bit of small talk, discussing how their days had been going so far, the other finally got to the point. He was asking if the younger of the two wanted to hang out. It would definitely serve as a nice distraction, and Shavo always brought such good energy with him everywhere he went, so Daron agreed, a small smile on his face as the two continued their conversation. They spoke for maybe an hour, could've been two, before Shavo finally decided he should probably head over there. It was so easy to get lost in conversation with the other.

They finally hung up, Daron setting the phone down on the table beside him, though it was more like tossing it. Now all he had to do was wait. All he seemed to do was wait.

He sat for maybe 15 minutes, feet kicked up on the messy coffee table before him. He couldn't help but jump at the rough pounding on his door, followed by a quiet yet audible "LAPD, open up!" From the other side. He rolled his eyes. This was a constant bit that Shavo played on everyone in the group. He found it pretty funny, though the other three agreed it was overplayed.

Daron opened up the door, staring up at the lanky male before him. Shavo had a toothy grin on his face as he entered the others apartment, which quickly faltered as he saw the state of it. It wasn't typically all too clean, but it seemed especially bad.

"Damn, man! What happened??" He asked aloud, back facing the shorter male as his eyes scanned the mess.

There were fast food wrappers scattered all over the floors and countertops, as well as the coffee table, some still containing old food. The ground was littered with empty beer and soda cans, a large pizza box haphazardly tossed to the side beside a small chair in the living room. There were clothes thrown about the couch and chair, some even on the floor and in the kitchen.

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