Mrs Burton's Office

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Hey, I am so sorry for the long wait again. Here is your half update. Hope you like it. <3



+ + +

"I am very disappointed to see that you got sent here Miss Brooks and Miss O'Connor," Ms Burton sighed and rested her eyes on me as she surveyed the situation. We were in Ms Burton's office. And by 'we,' I meant me and Natasha. She was dabbing a slightly wet tissue against her bloodied button nose; tears streaming out of her eyes.

Did it really hurt that much?

Natasha whimpers.

Probably not.

I manoeuvred my head to the side for a split second so she wouldn't see my smirk. I lifted my head back up again and pulled a face. I lowered my eyebrows and glanced down at my shoes so it looked like I was guilty for punching Natasha- which of course I am not.

"Well, how about you start explaining yourselves then?" She continued and she rubbed her forehead. I bet she would rather be anywhere else than dealing with drama right now. I would too.

"Well, BAsic-lly, I was looking for my makeup- which EVA obviously took- when SA-die here just in-SULTED me for NO reason," Natasha suddenly altered into a whole nother persona. Was she fake crying the entire time?

"Is that TRUE, Sadie?" Mrs Burton threw her head back and clasped her hands together. Did I mention that Mrs Burton is extremely intimidating because she is. I could feel Natasha flinch slightly next to me.

Mrs Burton's office added to the almost detectable tension between the three of us. It was an organised and professional space: she made sure everything was straightened on her desk; ensured everything was square and properly spaced.

Well there wasn't much: some paperwork, a lined yellow pad, a bunch of blue pens in those mesh pen pots, and a big plastic cube with pictures of her and her family. They were standing in front of Burj Khalifa (the world's tallest structure) in Dubai. She and her husband and her two sons were all smiles- like real genuine smiles.

Behind her desk was a shelving unit for files and blinders arranged according to colour like a rainbow. On some compartments were pots of shrub plants and cactuses displayed based on their sizes. Nice.

"No it's the OTHER way around," I said. I remembered Abby's video. As long as she'd cut the first half, that would be enough to convince her.




"W-WHAT?" Natasha gaped, eyes widening in disbelief as if a sudden jolt of electricity had coursed through their veins which caused her to jolt forwards, "YOU called me a wannabe who needed to be in the centre of attention 24/7!"

"Nuh-uh, I've got witnesses AND proof," I snapped back shaking my head. I shifted my position to face her.

She said in a hiss, "SHUT UP, you don't actually think Mrs Burton would believe YOU over ME right?"

I wiped the smirk off her face.

"Yes," I smiled, "that's exactly what I think."

+ + +

The door swung open and all the room instantly felt lighter as Abby

strolled in. She stood with her back straight and a tight and slick ponytail swinging on her back.

"Good afternoon, Mrs Burton," she greeted in a fake friendly way. She smiled sweetly and sickly with her eyes scrunched up.

"Good afternoon to you too Miss Hill," Mrs Burton's voice says otherwise. "I believe you have got proof to support Miss Brooks here on this little um incident."

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. In this recording on my phone." She tapped on the crack-free screen of her cream-coloured phone.

+ + +

"And then she just gave her a detention?!"

"I know right, and it's all thanks to Abby's recording!"

It is now lunchtime and I am explaining everything to Leo and the rest of the group. We were now officially a 'friend group' but Leo and Tilda kind of had an' on and off' friendship. They were always fighting over random things like the other day when they argued over if pineapple should be on pizzas or another day when they fought over if cats were better than dogs.

Today however was about if you poured milk before the cereal or the cereal before the milk.

"I mean, c'mon guys, you pour the MILK first so the cereal doesn't turn to mush."

"WHAT? Come on Sadie, why are you on LEO's side, we're supposed to go against him" Tilda pleaded.

I mean who pours the cereal first? Okay, fine 89% of the population but WHY? It'll go all SOGGY.

"I personally pour the cereal in first, no offence," Abby chimes in.

"Yeah me too," Kevin said.

"Lunatic Leo," Tilda mutters.

"Maniac Matilda," Leo muttered back.

"Knucklehead Kevin," I joined in.

"Strange Sadie," Kevin looks at me.

"Absurd Abigail," I grinned at Abby.

We couldn't hold it in any longer. Everyone burst out in laughter.

All was good.


(815 words) Please remember to vote! 


aaaah The next chapter is going to be sooo good.

Little Preview:

Little Preview:

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RELEASE:  29th JULY and 30st JULY

- midnightdreamer

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