They start the game

The Jannet King Line - Up:
GK - Kelly Chapman
GD - Ellie Doyle
WA - Gemma Edwards - Captain
WD - Kaylee Georges
C - Paige Andrews
GS - Charlie Davies
GA - Hannah Jones

The game goes well with the first half getting their team up by 3 points

JK's 3 - 0 PD's

The Patrick Dunes were playing dirty and getting fouled for contact on the girls, including Kaylee when one of them made her land badly on her right hand, possibly breaking her wrist, but she decided to play on once Annie had wrapped a bandage around it

David still hadn't showed up, Maisie was getting concerned, so was Naomi and Kaylee

At half time they circled around their coach(es)

Annie: Well done girls. Your playing fantastically and we couldn't ask for better.
Alex: She's right girls. Your doing us proud. No matter how many fouls they're making.
Annie: Kaylee how's your wrist?
Kaylee: It's fine for now. It hurts but I can play on.
Alex: It gets worse and you come off ok?
Kaylee: Ok.

Sophie turned up though and is still watching

Gemma: They're gonna keep playing dirty. We need focus on their weak spots and keeping our game faces on. And also we are not fighting back. Understood Charlie? Because you nearly got them a penalty throw for it. We need to show that their the ones being dirty and playing rough. Not us.
Charlie: I understand. Sorry. It's just that girl said something that really ticked me off.
Kaylee: Ignore whatever they do or say. We're better than them. And we need to show that.
Ellie: Agreed.
Annie: Same strategy girls. Heads up. You've got this.

They get into positions and continue playing

The same girl pushes Kaylee down again making her land badly again, Kaylee cries out in pain and stays on the ground

The referee blows her whistle and Annie and Alex go to Kaylee along with Ellie and Gemma

Kaylee: * starts crying* I heard it snap.
Annie: * sighs* Shit.
Alex: Can you move your fingers?

Kaylee tries to but they don't move

Alex taps her wrist and she groans and cries

Kaylee: It hurts.

The player starts arguing with the ref

????: Oh please. I barely touched her. She's being a crybaby.

Ellie stands up and gets in her face

Ellie: You've broken her wrist dumbass! Of course you fucking touched her! You knocked her down! Twice I might add.

The girl shoves Ellie

Gemma steps in before Ellie lashes out, standing in the middle of the two

Gemma: Get over it. You got what you wanted. One of our players is hurt. It's only fair you take a player off too.
????: * scoffs* Make me.

The ref steps in, along with their coach

They take the girl off

Gemma: Ellie. Calm down. Focus on the game. Kaylee's being looked after.
Ellie: They hurt my cousin Gem. You can't expect me to just stand by and watch it happen.
Gemma: As your captain and your friend I'm telling you to back off. We get payback by winning. Get to your position. And let it go.

Anyone can tell that Ellie is fuming

They continue the game, both teams having to work slightly harder being a player down

On the sidelines

With Kaylee

Kaylee: * cries* What if its broken?
Annie: It'll be fine Squish. I promise you. You'll be fine. Do you want your step - mum?
Kaylee: * cries* I want my Dad.
Alex: He's not here Kaylee. It's your step - mum or its your sister. Up to you.
Kaylee: * sniffles and cries* Maisie. I want Maisie.

Alex brings Maisie into the court and over to Kaylee

Kaylee starts having a panic attack

Maisie: * hugs her* Sh.. Kay... Breathe. It's ok. Your gonna be fine.
Kaylee: * hugs back, hyperventilates and cries into Maisie's shoulder* It hurts Mais.
Maisie: It will. But after this we are gonna take you to the hospital and we'll get you all sorted and checked out, ok? And we'll see Dad. And I'm sure he'll bring you, your favourite sweets.
Kaylee: * hyperventilates, sniffles and cries* F-F--Fruit Pastilles.
Maisie: That's right. You love them don't you?
Kaylee: * nods yes*
Maisie: Think about them. Think about your favourite flavour.
Kaylee: Strawberry.
Maisie: Good.

Maisie gets Kaylee to calm down

The game ends with the Jannet Kings team winning by 10 points

JK's 10 - 3 PD's

They shake hands with the other team

Most of them apologise to Kaylee for the girl that hurt her and say that they hope she gets better soon

Everyone goes to their parents/carers or friends

Naomi gets a phone call

It's David

He said he's sorry he couldn't make it as their was a massive house fire call he had to take

Naomi tells him what happened to Kaylee and he said he'd be down their in 5 minutes

True to his word David arrived 5 minutes later with Fruit Pastilles for Kaylee

Kaylee: * starts crying* Dad.
David: * hugs her* Hey darling. Sorry I missed it. How's your wrist?
Kaylee: * hugs back and sniffles* It hurts Dad. * cries* It hurts so much.
David: Come on. I'll take you to the hospital. Any of your friends need a lift home?

They all say no

Sophie: Mr Georges can me and Devon come to the hospital with you and the others?
Devon: We wanna make sure Kays ok.
David: Yeah.

They go to the hospital

Kaylee has an X-Ray to confirm that she has infact broken her wrist

They have to wait for the results

It comes back and Kaylee has broken her wrist

The nurse tells David the news

David: Can I see her?
Nurse: We're about to fit her for a cast so yes you can. Bring another person with you if you like.

David turns to the group

Naomi: Well?
David: They're fitting her for a cast now. I can go in and bring someone else with me.
Maisie: I'll come.
David: Come on then.

David and Maisie follow the Nurse to the room

They've just reset the bone and are currently wrapping it in a bandage

Kaylee: * breathes shakily*
Nurse: Your doing great Kaylee. I've brought some people to see you.
David: Hey Lollypop.
Kaylee: Hi Dad.
David: You ok?
Kaylee: * nods yes and grabs his hand*
David: I'm here. I'm right here.
Nurse: This is the fun bit Kaylee. You can choose the colour of your cast. We've got... Blue, black, pink, purple, green, white and red. Which one would you like?
Kaylee: Green.

They leave and get the colour

They fit her cast on her wrist and once it's set they leave the room, inviting in the others who are waiting outside

Maisie: I bought Sharpies. That way we could sign your cast if you had broke your wrist.
Kaylee: * smiles* Thanks Mais.

To be continued......

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