Chapter18: My wife?

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The phone felt slick in Jungkook's hand, Dr. Jin's name flashing on the screen. He hesitated, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple despite the cool air conditioning, then pressed the call button.

"Dr. Jin speaking" The doctor's voice was calm and reassuring but it's yet again a sad joke why will he introduce to his colleague?, but stark contrast to the storm raging in Jungkook's chest.

"Jin hyung, it's... it's Jimin's, uh" jin sat straight hearing jimin name and Jungkook low voice filled with worry.

"Ah, Jungkook. How can I help you?" He offered bitting his nails.

Jungkook took a deep breath, his voice thin and reedy. "It's just... Jimin has been having a lot of panic attacks lately. Really bad ones. And he won't talk to me about it"

"Oh god" Dr. Jin's voice was laced with genuinely concerned. "Panic attacks can be quite debilitating. What did he do?"

"I just... I feel so helpless" Jungkook confessed, his voice cracking. "I just want to understand what he's going through, why it's happening. I thought maybe... maybe you could tell me about his past relationships? He's mentioned getting hurt before, and-'

Dr. Jin's voice was firm, yet gentle with worries when he interrupted. "Jungkook, I understand your concern for Jimin, but I am bound by doctor-patient confidentiality. I cannot disclose any information about Jimin's history or treatment without his explicit consent. You know that right"

Jungkook's shoulders slumped, disappointment washing over him like a cold wave. "Oh... right. Of course I know but hyung try to understand I'm his doctor" Jungkook try to request.

"I can offer some general advice. Encourage Jimin to talk to you, but don't pressure him. Let him know you are there for him, without judgment. And remind him that I am always available if he needs to talk" jin spoke with concern in his heart. He felt bad of Jimin genuinely.

"Okay" Jungkook whispered, clinging to Jin's words like a lifeline. "I'll do that. Thank you, hyung" he is disappointed but yet he chose to take it into consideration.

The line went dead, leaving Jungkook staring at his phone. He still didn't have the answers he sought, but Jin's words offered a sliver of hope. It was time to stop searching for answers in the past from other and focus on being present for Jimin, may be jin is right it's better to talk to him directly.

"Hyung can I make coffee"

Jimin entered the living room with Nabi cradled in his arms, a smile lighting up his face. Jungkook nodded in approval, giving Jimin the go-ahead to do as he pleased. However, there was something a bit off about how Jimin felt the need to seek permission for every little thing. It was endearing in a way, but also slightly concerning. Despite this, Jungkook couldn't help but be drawn in by Jimin's engaging and heartfelt gestures towards Nabi, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort in their presence.

"'Jimin-ah, can I talk to you about something if you don't mind?"Jungkook asked hesitantly, his voice barely a whisper. He fidgeted with the strap of his bag, his heart pounding like a drum solo in his chest. Every word that came out felt like a gamble, a potential trigger for Jimin's trauma, a risk of sending him spiraling into a panic attack.

Jimin, oblivious to Jungkook's internal turmoil, smiled brightly. "Sure" he chirped, already reaching for the coffee machine. "What's up?" He placed his little chef figurine on the counter, a gesture that always made Jungkook smile. It was a small, but comforting reminder of Jimin's resilience and his love for the simple things in life.

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