Many Plans Made

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Very early the following morning, even before the sunlight was peaking in through the windows, Zeph was awoken by someone softly calling her name. At first, she tried to ignore it and keep sleeping, but it was insistent, so finally she relented and grumbled awake. Sitting up and looking around as she rubbed her eyes, she saw that most of the engines were still asleep. However, she noticed the two troublesome tank engines were looking at her, and it was clear they had been the ones to call her name. With a sigh and groan, she hauled herself onto her feet and walked past the others to get to them.

"Morning, boys. What do you need?" Zeph tried to say as cheerfully and quietly as possible. Ben immediately spoke up, "We'd like you to check our boilers and see if you can use us." Bill chimed in, "Please. It is so boring just sitting around and doing nothing. We miss pulling and pushing trucks. We miss working." She looked over the two tiny tank engines. She could tell they were becoming increasingly restless but were doing their best to keep it under control. By the looks on their faces, she knew that no matter the answer she gave, they would accept it, even if it meant they didn't get what they wanted. It actually made it hard to believe these two were as troublesome as Edward and Boco had said, but then again, it had been many years of isolation. Putting her hands on her hips, she closed her eyes and looked down as she thought. On one hand, it would be nice to have more engines to work with, but on the other, it would be a coupke days work to get them in running order, plus trying to keep both of their fires fueled by just her. She'd weigh her pros and cons before sighing, "I'll think on it when I take the china clay over to sell. Sorry." The two engines did sadden slightly, but they also smiled. "That is more than a definite no," said Bill, with Ben agreeing.

She nodded and smiled, just as they heard everyone beginning to stir awake. She went back and packed her stuff up, refilled her water and food supplies in her bag, and headed over to the Ironwork Brothers. They already knew the routine at this point, as she opened their sides and made sure their engines were good to run, oil and fuel in them, and then she lightly oiled their joints. When they were ready to go, the trio headed down to the Brendam docks. Along the way, Bert couldn't help but smile and comment, "It'll be nice to have all this grass cut. It feels strange with it brushing against my chassis." Arry had to agree, though by this point, the engines had ran along the tracks so much they had flattened the grass and weeds that stuck up in between and along the tracks. "Well, I hope Boco or Derek are willing to run the train to cut it all down. I don't want any of you to be forced to do menial jobs. If none of you want to do it, I'll just buy a weed whacker and do it by hand." The two diesels chuckled as they trundled down the tracks, "Any work is good work, ma'am. All of us like to work, though some jobs are definitely liked more than others. But at the end of the day, we are getting to work and not just sit around." Arry's words made sense, and the others had definitely said similar things. It was just hard to wrap her head around the logic. At the end of the day, though, it was their choice.

After their couple hour trundle down the lines, they reached Brendam. With the usual routine, she parked them under the SSC building, hopped in her ship, and headed for the mainland. When she docked a few hours later, she found Mr. Percival waiting for her with a worried look on his face. Zeph immediately knew why, so she tied her ship to the docks and hopped off the boat, "Afternoon, Mr. Percival. I know why you have that look on your face, and I can tell you, with confidence, that Mavis is ok now. Victor, Kevin, and myself helped her, and she is in a very minimal amount of pain. She, obviously, is in a condition where she can't work, but is currently getting rest and talking with the others." The look of relief that washed over his face was immense, and he smiled at her, "I am glad to hear that. I've been worrying all week since you sent me that message. Please give her my best when you return." He smoothed his suit out, which showed signs that he had been pacing waiting for Zeph to arrive and inform him. He coughed a little but smiled, "Also, considering you helped Mavis, I assume you chose the Ffarquhar quarry as your second industry?" The young girl nodded and smiled in return, "Yes, and I met the crew there too. When we get the first stations open, I hope at least Daisy is willing to help with passengers." "She loves taking passengers, so I'm sure she will be more than willing to help."

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