johnnie guilbert! - just forever

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notes: this story and home early (next story) are both also from my ao3 sooo yep! lol not a big fan of this story either as you can tell i gave up and just wanting to write something to make up for my absence !

: reader and johnnie's relationship hasn't been the best, one of them has to sort it out in the end.

It had been a couple of days now that you and your boyfriend, Johnnie had been fighting.

Between you and him, he would get mad over the little things, like if you made a joke he didn't like, or if you walked in on him filming with his friends, Carrington and Jake filming

His friends had also noticed the change in his behavior and attitude, and you especially since they had heard you guys arguing once already

This time Johnnie had invited you over for a video with him, Jake, and Tara which you had agreed to so you thought this would be a perfect time to talk with him afterwards about his attitude towards you, hoping the video would go well..

And boy were you wrong, because as soon as you got there, while watching Jake and Tara set up you greeted them went up into Johnnie's room, walking in without knocking and see him sitting at his desk on his phone, "Cant you knock or something man?" Were the first words said to you by him, no "Hey baby" or greeting.

"Just fucking great" you thought to yourself, already knowing how today was gonna end, "Are you just gonna stand there now or what?" Johnnie told you as you looked up at him, shaking your head in disappointment and walking directly out, you could feel the tears in your tears welling up in your eyes, Why was he so mad at you all of sudden? Did you do something? Say something? You just wanted to be around him and it felt like he didn't want you with him anymore.

As you walked to the bathroom, hiding for a couple of minutes and drying your tears, you walked back down the stairs and saw Jake and Tara sitting on the couch laughing with each other, as they looked up and looked at you, confusion on their faces "Where's Johnnie at?" Jake asked you, "Oh he's in the room I think" you told him, walking over to the couch and immediately changing the topic of Johnnie.

"Sooo what are we doing today?" You asked, "Each others makeup!" Tara said with a smile on her face "Im doing Jake and your doing Johnnie" She said afterwards, feeling your stomach sink just thinking about it, knowing if you were to mess up something up you were going to hear it from Johnnie after the video.

As you zoned out for a minute Jake and Tara snap you out of it, "Hey you okay?" Jake asked you with Tara looking at you with worry filling her face and you look at them and look down, "It's nothing sorry im just a little tired today" You say, smiling it off as you could see your excuse wasn't working on them.

"Seriously, what's going on between you two? It's like you guys aren't even together anymore, did something happen?" Jake asked you again, "I don't even know anymore" You told them truthfully this time, shrugging your shoulders, because you didn't know either.

As soon as you were gonna speak up again you hear Johnnie's door open and hear him coming downstairs, as he looks at you and Jake talking and raises his eyebrows "Hey guys" he says bluntly, walking away to the kitchen, as you and Jake look at each other, "You still wanna do the video?" Tara asks you and you nod "Yeah, it's all okay I'll just leave afterwards I'm pretty busy later anyway, you say smiling and looking down

"Busy with what?" Johnnie asks, walking around the kitchen to the living room, "I have to go shopping and go by a couple stores to by myself some things." You tell him bluntly, as Jake and Tara immediately break the tension by getting up and have you guys start the video and start filming.

About an hour into the video everything felt like it was going good, Johnnie and Jake were laughing and joking around as you and Tara laughed along with them, all was going good until the end of filming, after the video was over and you and Tara were getting ready to leave, Johnnie had told you to go upstairs with you, and so you did because it seemed like maybe he was finally done being mad at you until he shut the room door and looked at you with his arms crossed, "Why the hell would you tell Jake that!?" He told you, as your stomach dropped "What?" "You heard me, seriously, telling Jake and Tara about how I've been acting? stop trying to make yourself the victim here!" He told you, your back against the door as tears well up in your eyes again.

"Because he asked why is that such a big deal to you Johnnie! God I wish we never met why are you acting like this all of a sudden!?" You told him, this time the tears are rolling down your face as you yell at him, "Why are you so fucking mad at me all of a sudden? What did I do? If you don't love me anymore just fucking tell me I'm tired of trying to figure you out!" Tears rolling down your face uncontrollably, as Johnnie just stood there, unable to process everything you just told him.

As you just stood there in silence with him, you turn around and open the door and start to walk away, "No wait- Please no come back" Johnnie says quietly you as you make your way down the staircase, and so does he, you grab your keys off the counter and walk out, leaving Johnnie standing in the kitchen as Tara and Jake stand in the kitchen, as Johnnie attempts to just looks at them and walk away to his room.

"Johnnie come back over here!" Jake yells at him, following behind him as Johnnie stops and turns around, "You need to stop this attitude you have going on and go talk to her about whatever's going on between you two, your just leaving her to go cry every time she leaves here while you sit in your room acting as if nothings been happening this past week, it's obvious she didn't have anything to do after the video, she just didn't want to argue with you so she left but there you went starting another fight with her." Jake tells Johnnie, leaving Johnnie standing there with tears in his eyes.

Roughly, a couple of hours had went by and Johnnie was stuck in his room deciding if he was going to show up to your apartment or talk to you tomorrow, but something had told him he had to do it tonight, so he did. He got dressed and left the house and made his way to your apartment, arriving to your apartment made his stomach churn and his head dizzy but he knew he had to do something to save your guys relationship so he knocked and after a couple of seconds you opened the door.

You and Johnnie just stood there staring at each other for a couple of seconds before you were going to tell him to politely leave until he interrupted you, telling you he had to talk to you about everything that's been happening  and so, you let him in.

As you followed him to sit down on your small couch, he took a deep breath and immediately started speaking, "For the past week I know I've been starting fights and arguing with you and theres no excuse for me to treat you like that when all you've done is be there for me and support me in everything and I just treat you like this but the real reason is because I felt like I never deserved any of this and you, and I just got so scared that you'd just get tired of me someday and just get up and leave me so I thought if I just pushed you away and you did leave me the feeling would finally go away, but all it's done is make me feel even worse but I just felt even more worse if I told you why I was doing what I was doing to you, I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore because of this but I'm just so so sorry I ever did this to-" Cutting Johnnie off and instead just hugging him, leaving him to hug you back tighter.

"I hope you know I'd never let you go Johnnie, I love you too much to hurt you like that."

"I know but I just feel like I don't deserve any of this, you, my friends the fame everything it's just all so hard to comprehend"

"You deserve it all Johnnie, you've been through so much that everything you have now you deserve, and as for me, If I wasn't happy with you Johnnie I wouldn't be here with you everyday, I wouldn't be sitting here with you right now trying to fix our relationship because I love you too much to just leave you like nothing." You tell him, still hugging tightly onto Johnnie, as you two lay there, listening to each others breathing, laying there and just taking in eachothers touch, no talking, nobody around you guys to interrupt the moment, just both of you laying there how you guys always did.

"I love you Johnnie."

"I love you too."

rahhhh i hate this story so much forgive me guys I made a couple of changes that make me feel a little better about the story so if u read it on ao3 and realize it's not the same it's bc I didn't like the Original writing for that one 😭

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