5 A.M., Munich time

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There were eight men near the village. One of them looks at the house of the Jewish team.

This man was "Issa" and he was their leader. The others were his deputy "Tony", and younger members, "Paolo", "Salah", "Abu Halla", "Badran", "Denawi" and his cousin, "Samir".

"Issa" was dressed in huge light clothes and a hat, and his face was smeared with shoe polish. He was wearing sunglasses.

"Tony" was dressed like a cowboy: he had a big cowboy hat and a red T-shirt. Oh, and he smoked a lot.

The rest of the men were not noteworthy. They were dressed in casual clothes and had dark, serious expressions on their faces.

"Issa" turned to his accomplices.

"So, comrades," he said, "let's say it again: why did we come here?"

"To take revenge on the Jews!" the others chanted.

"Exactly, comrades!" Issa said with a grin. "And what are we taking revenge on the Jews for?"

"For what they did to our people!" the others chanted.

"And for whom but our folk are we doing this?" Issa asked.

"For the sake of God!" the others chanted.

"And who is our God?" Issa asked rhetorically, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"Allah is our God!" the others shouted in unison.

Issa nodded, his expression solemn. "And today, comrades, we will show our devotion to him by striking at the heart of the Zionist enemy. The Jewish team! We will show them that they cannot continue to oppress our people without consequences!"

One of them, Salah, seemed to have begun to doubt. "Are you sure this is the right thing to do, Issa?" he whispered. "What if it makes things worse?"

Issa glared at him. "There is no room for doubt in our hearts, Salah! We are doing this for the greater good of our people!" He didn't say anything for a while. "But we will not act recklessly. As our boss, Abu Daoud said: «The operation for which you have been chosen is politically important... it is necessary to capture these Israelis alive... No one denies that you have the right to use weapons for self-defense. However, open fire only if you cannot do otherwise... This is not the elimination of your enemies, it is the capture of them for subsequent exchange. Grenades for later, and only to impress the German negotiators and protect themselves.» We will not disgrace his orders. We will strike swiftly and retreat into the shadows. And we will be victorious!"

The other members nodded in agreement. Paolo whispered something to Denawi, who smiled nervously. "But what if they don't understand our language?" Salah asked.

Issa smirked. "Then we'll just have to use our hands to show them what we want, won't we?" He gestured to the others, who split up, each taking a position around the perimeter of the village. They waited for a while, watching the guards patrol the area.

"Fortunately, the security here is poor..." Issa said. "What should we do to trick them? A bunch of drunks are making their way over the fence, and no one even notices them!" He laughed.

The others also laughed a lot.

"But okay, we've had enough of foreplay..." Issa said villainously. "May Operation Iqrit and Biram begin!.." The men exchanged glances and nodded.

They dressed up as athletes. They didn't change much, just dressed in sports clothes. But how would they get inside?

Suddenly they noticed two Canadian athletes returning from some kind of party.

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