Don't Forget (One-Shot)

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May 28, 2006


Jiwon suddenly woke up when she felt a loud bang. She sat up and looked around—nothing suspicious. She stood up and went to the window; “Nothing suspicious either” she whispered to herself as she saw the silence and stillness outside. She lied on her bed again and tried to sleep.

Jiwon tossed and turned, trying to find the right position that’ll bring her back to her sweet dream that was cut short by that stupid bang! But to her disappointment, she wasn’t feeling sleepy anymore.

“Great! Just great!” she said a bit louder than what she intended to. But somehow, it felt…strange. She knew she screamed it, but it didn’t echo. It was like she was the only one who heard it (and it was confirmed when her mom didn’t came in rushing to check on her). “You’re just lacking sleep” she told herself as she went to her computer to find something to do.

“I give up!”

Jiwon closed the game that she was playing, disappointed to lose since she started. “What to do… What to do… Aha!”

Hyunjin was pacing back and forth in his room.

“No…No…No…” he kept saying to himself as he continued to walk uncomfortably. “It can’t be…”


Hyunjin was awoken by a phone call at 12 in the morning. He was about to shut his phone off when he saw the caller. “Jiwon’s sister? Hmmm…” he flipped his phone open, “Yeoboseyo? Noona?”

“Hyunjin…” Jiwon’s sister said. She was breathing heavily, like she was crying. “H-Hyunj-jin…”

“Ya noona. Calm down. What’s the problem?”

There was a short pause and all Hyunjin could hear were crying; this worried him.

“Noona, what happened? Why are you crying?” Jiwon. “Noona. Did something happen to Jiwon?”


“Noona, please. Tell me. Where are you now?”


She wasn’t able to call me, and I forgot…

Hyunjin suddenly stopped walking and slowly sat on the floor. Tears started to fall from his eyes as what happened finally sunk into him. It wasn’t a nightmare, or a joke—Jiwon’s sister would never joke at things like that. He stayed like that for a few more hours before deciding to go to Jiwon’s family.

“She lost control and hit a post.” Jiwon’s sister told Hyunjin as calmly as she could.

Hyunjin just sat there, holding Jiwon’s cold hands in his warm pair. He was sad to see that his happy Jiwon was now lying cold in the bed, and full of bruises.


“Call me when you’re home, okay?” Hyunjin told Jiwon.

Jiwon broke out of their hug and pecked him in the cheek. “I will…Bye!” she turned her back to leave then Hyunjin pulled her by the hand, “Wait!” he said.


“Saranghae” Hyunjin said very cutely and adorably that Jiwon just wanted to hug the life out of him. She leaned closer to him and pressed her lips against his. Hyunjin cupped both of her cheeks and deepened the kiss.

“Ya!” Jiwon managed to say as their lips were still attached to each other.

“Hmmm?” Hyunjin hummed.

“I gotta go.” Jiwon whispered then Hyunjin kissed her once again before he released Jiwon’s cheeks.

“Take care…” Hyunjin waved as Jiwon walked away.

“I will!”


A month passed by since Jiwon passed away. Hyunjin was already accepting the fact that he will never hear Jiwon’s voice and see her happy face again. He will never feel the warmth and comfort that her hugs and kisses bring. All the pictures and videos are just memories; memories to remind him that he once met a lovely person like Jiwon. Mourning time’s over…

Hyunjin checked his e-mail. Life must go on, he thought as he browsed his e-mails and tried hard not to remember the moments that Jiwon would be the one opening his e-mails.


He stopped browsing when he saw something that surprised him-really surprised him.

                   Sender        Subject     Size        Date           Time

         Choi Jiwon    BANG!       5KB  05/28/2006    22:30

His eyes opened wide to see the e-mail from Jiwon. He shut his eyes tightly then opened it again. It’s still there. “But…this is impossible” he whispered. “That’s the time she. . .” He doubted about the e-mail but opened it anyway. It was a short letter with purple bold font.

Hi baby!

I can’t sleepJ. I just wanted to share something because it’s kind of weird, and since you’re kind of weird also, you can relate (just kidding).

Well, here it is. I woke up and felt a loud BANG! Yes, you read it right: felt, not heard. My head is kind of hurting right now and it sucks 'cause I can’t sleep. I’m not even feeling sleepy L

Ya! When you read this, don’t reply, okay? I don’t wanna waste your time. Hehehe… I just have nothing to do so I’m writing to you. :D

Anyways, have you heard of this song? Oh, wait! I don’t know the title; I’ll just type the part of the song that I remember.

                Close your eyes go to sleep

                Know my love is all around

                Dream in peace, when you wake

                You will know I’m still with you…

It’s nice, right? I don’t think it’s new but it really sounds great. Search for it, okay? I think it is Eric Benét. I wasn’t able to hear the rest of the song ‘cause I fell asleep *yawn*. Thank God! Now I’m starting to feel sleepy.

Thanks for your time honey. I love you, love you, love you, love you... yeongwonhee… :-* Mwah! Mwah! Bye bye ^^

Hyunjin felt tears falling from his eyes as he read the e-mail again while listening to the song—Still With You.


-June 06, 2009-

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