꒰ dreams in colored nurseries ꒱ - jihyo

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꒰𖧧꒱ 𓂃 "Yo te quiero despierta, mi hortensia demencia."

꒰𖧧꒱ 𓂃 "dreams in colored nurseries" ⸝⸝ park jihyo

꒰𖧧꒱ 𓂃 song for this chapter: "cielito de abril" ⸝⸝ by mon laferte. 

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The room was shrouded in an unsettling calmness, interrupted only by the soft murmur of the air conditioner and the occasional exhausted sigh that escaped my lips. As I rocked carefully in the rocking chair, holding our precious newborn baby in my arms, my mind wavered between overwhelming fatigue and the immense happiness that filled me every time I looked at his angelic face.

"Do you think we'll ever be able to sleep through the night without him waking up?" I asked in a whisper, glancing over at Jihyo, who lay on the bed with her eyes half-closed from exhaustion.

Jihyo let out a deep sigh and sat down on the bed, trying to find a more comfortable position.

"Sure, we will. But for now, we have to get used to this new routine."

I nodded, feeling the weight of exhaustion in every fiber of my being. Although the lack of sleep was tiring, I couldn't help but feel grateful for every moment we shared as a family.

"I guess it's just a phase, right?" I murmured, more to myself than to Jihyo.

"Exactly. It'll pass faster than we think," Jihyo replied with a tired but reassuring smile.

I tenderly caressed our baby's cheek, watching as his eyelashes fluttered slightly as he fought against sleep. Despite the exhaustion, his simple presence filled my heart with indescribable joy.

"I wonder what our future together will be like," I whispered, letting my thoughts wander down the paths of tomorrow.

Jihyo turned her head towards me, her blue eyes shining with a mix of love and determination. "Our future will be... damn, Y/N. I can't wait to see what fate has in store for us."
A smile formed on my lips at her comforting words. I knew we had a promising future ahead of us, full of infinite possibilities.

"And you, what do you hope for the future?" I asked, sliding my hand towards hers and intertwining our fingers tenderly.

Jihyo took a moment to reflect, her gaze lost in the horizon of our shared hopes and dreams.

"We will build a life together. At work, I already have everything I could ask for. My priority is you two."

A warm and comforting sensation washed over me as I listened to her words. Despite the difficulties we were facing at that moment, I knew we were strong enough to overcome any obstacle life threw our way. She got up from the bed and approached, planting a kiss on my forehead and then on my lips.

"You're incredible, Jihyo," I whispered, leaning in to place a soft kiss on her lips.

Jihyo smiled, her hand gently caressing my cheek.

"And you're my everything, Y/N. I don't know what I would do without you."

The baby, who had remained calm in my arms for a few precious minutes, broke the silence with a sharp cry that pulled us out of our reverie.

"I think it's time to sleep and put him back in the crib, don't you think?" I suggested, carefully standing up and walking towards the crib in the corner of the room.

"I'll help," Jihyo offered, getting up from the bed and following me with silent steps.

Gently, we placed the baby in his crib, making sure he was comfortable and safe before returning to bed. Jihyo snuggled up next to me, her arms wrapping around me tenderly as we immersed ourselves in the comforting darkness of the night. I felt her hands grab my waist and caress my belly.

"I love you, Jihyo," I whispered, feeling the exhaustion begin to give way to the comforting warmth of her embrace.

"And I love you, Y/N. More than words can express," she replied, her lips softly brushing against my forehead.

I closed my eyes, allowing the steady beat of her heart to guide me towards the restful sleep that awaited us. Although the path to the future was full of uncertainty, I knew that as long as we were together, we could face anything with courage and love.

We remained silent for a moment, our bodies intertwined in a comforting embrace, as the darkness of the room enveloped us like a protective mantle. The soft murmur of the air conditioner became the soundtrack of our thoughts, filling the space between us with a sense of peace.

"Can you imagine what life will be like when our baby grows a bit more?" I asked, letting my mind get lost in the possibilities of tomorrow.

Jihyo rested her head on my shoulder, her warm breath caressing my skin.

"It'll be exciting, that's for sure. Watching him grow, discovering the world around him, learning new things every day... It will be an incredible journey, Y/N."

A smile formed on my lips as I imagined all the adventures that awaited us as a family. Despite the challenges we would surely face along the way, I knew that together we could overcome any obstacle life presented us with.

"I want our child to grow up knowing he's loved, you know? I want him to know he can be whoever he wants to be, no matter what others say. I want our baby to have everything we didn't have as kids," I confessed, letting my hopes and dreams spill into the darkness of the room.

Jihyo lifted her head to look into my eyes, her blue gaze filled with determination.

"And that's exactly what we'll do, Y/N. We'll give him all the love and support he needs to become the best version of himself."

A sense of gratitude and admiration washed over me as I listened to Jihyo's words. In that moment, I knew there was no one else in the world I would want to share this journey of life with.

We stayed there, in the stillness of the night, united by the unbreakable bond of love that had brought us to that moment. Although the future remained a mystery, I knew that as long as we were together, we could face it all with courage and determination. And with our little baby sleeping peacefully in his crib, I knew that our love would be enough to light even the darkest nights.

"Can you imagine traveling the world with him?" Jihyo proposed, her voice filled with excitement.

The idea resonated in my mind, filling me with a sense of wonder and excitement.

"I KNOW, RIGHT? It would be wonderful," I responded, letting my thoughts overflow in a cascade of possibilities.

Jihyo nodded enthusiastically, her gaze sparkling with the same passion that burned within me."I can't stop thinking about all the songs I'll write."

"After traveling the world, we could settle somewhere peaceful, close to nature," I proposed, letting my imagination overflow in a torrent of ideas. "A place where our child can grow up."

Jihyo looked at me tenderly, her hand gently caressing my cheek.

"Hey, I know I've told you this a lot, but you're beautiful and you look beautiful," she smiled.I smiled and let out a little laugh.

"Oh, please. I'm still recovering from the childbirth, so I'm not at my best."

She rolled her blue eyes. "You're beautiful, and you're my strong girl."

I closed my eyes, allowing the vision of our shared future to imprint itself in my mind with astonishing clarity. Despite the difficulties of the present, I knew that tomorrow would bring moments of joy and fulfillment.

We stayed there, in the tranquility of the night, immersed in the anticipation of tomorrow. Although the future remained a mystery, I knew that as long as we were together, we could face it all with courage and love. And with our little baby sleeping peacefully in his crib, I knew that our love would be enough to light even the darkest nights.

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