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((edited 3-3-2017))

Niall and Harry tells Lou about their little situation. They both got hickeys and Harry can't walk. By the end of the story she's laughing. Niall doesn't know whether to be offended or not. No one seems to help them, they only laugh. Finally she calms down.

"We don't have to cover Harry's since the fans already know about that one, but Niall yours have to be covered. I can use some make-up and we can get you to wear a polo or something on stage." She suggests. It's a good solution but still Niall sighs. He hates polos. He they make him feel like he's being choked.

"Harry we have to pretend that you sprained your ankle or something, so you can wear crutches on stage. And that can also be your excuse for sitting down."

The boys agrees with the plan and Lou start looking some crutches. She doesn't start with the make up until right before sound check. Niall is wearing a black polo and black jeans. He doesn't like the outfit but at least it covers up most of the hickeys.

"I look ridiculous" he complains when he looks at himself in the mirror. The polo is too tight and it feels uncomfortable. Harry smiles happily at Niall. "You look absolutely awful." He mocks. Niall just rolls his eyes. It's Harry's fault he has to wear this.

"How's the makeup?" Harry asks Lou who sighs before running a hand through her hair.

"He will have to run backstage a lot so that I can add more it since he will sweat most of it away." She explains to the curly headed boy.

For the outfit change the blonde will wear a hoodie. It will cover up the collarbones but he will have to be careful with the makeup on his neck. Niall suggested he wear a scarf bur she denied since that would look "absolutely hideous".

Niall walks up on stage feeling very ridiculous but he quickly relaxes and sings as good as always. When the song is finished he looks over at Harry who's walking over to him with an amused grin on his face. He leans in towards Niall's ear.

"You look awful." He whispers.

"You're probably turned on right now." Niall smirks to himself as he studies Harry's reaction. "True" Harry surprises Niall before turning towards the audience.

"Everybody who thinks Niall looks ridiculous in a polo up with their hand!" He screams into the microphone. Some of the audience pull up their hands along with Louis and Liam who's snickering at the other side of the stage. "Thanks for the support." Niall says sarcastically.

"Everybody who think I look super hot pull up their hand" Niall then tells the audience.

He swears that the whole audience is pulling their hands up. He smirks at Harry who shrugs.

Suddenly Harry's left hand has let go of the crutches and is up in the air, causing everyone to scream.

Niall can feel his cheeks get hot and he giggles. Even if Harry is putting on a show he's still blushing at his actions.

They start playing Midnight Memories and Niall can't stop smiling. Maybe it wouldn't be the end of the world if he wore polos more often.

When the show is over Niall is laying in his bunk checking twitter as always. He sees some pictures of himself after the outfit change. Lou was right. A scarf would have looked terrible with that outfit.

Out of habit he searches through the Narry tag. He's been doing that more and more lately. Every night in fact. The gifs and videos of Harry pulling his hand up during the show is everywhere. If the fans knew how they really acted it would break their hearts. Niall eyes moves to the boy sleeping in the bunk across the aisle. It's to dark to see anything, but he knows Harry is asleep. He fell asleep as soon as he got on the bus.

But Harry is not sleeping. He's looking at Niall. His phone screen is lighting up his face so that Harry can watch him with no problem. Something is different about Niall. He knows it. He can't really put his finger on what it is.

The fans all screamed when he pulled up his hand. They love it when he does stuff like that. They all believes it's real. Niall on the other hand thinks everything is for show.

Harry wants to believe that too, but deep down he knows that he wanted to fuck Niall right there on that stage. Especially during Better Than Words. That song is always hard for Harry because Niall grabs his crotch. Today it was harder than usual. Niall was somehow very attractive today.

Niall puts his phone away so Harry can no longer see his face, but that doesn't stop him from staring. The bus is moving in a soothing way as they're travelling on the highway. Niall almost falls asleep to the soft hum of the bus, but before he closes his eyes he takes one last glance through the dark. He can barely see anything, but it looks like Harry is staring right back at him.

He must be imagining it.


If u think this is cute u just wait and see for what's coming

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