cool beans..

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guysss i'm back im soooo sorry for this LONG ass wait 😭 i love yall sm and enjoy this!!
Warning! Cursing and drinking
Word count: → 887
Johnnie and I pulled up to the hospital while I explained what's going on as I ran inside to the front desk

"Hello I'm here for Ms. Y/L/N," I said looking outside to Johnnie looking at me concerned

"Yes Ma'am and you are?" the lady replied "I'm here to see her I'm her daughter Y/N," she made a shocked face "Oh okay right this way," she stood up taking me to my mom

We arrived to the room my mom was in as the lady told the doctors who I am. I walked into the room seeing my mom laying on the hospital as my phone went off with a notification from Johnnie: "Hey I'm just going to be in the car once you're ready." I smiled as I replied with "Okay thanks for being patient!!" I turned off my phone and walked over next to my mom "Hey Y/N," my mom said weakly "Hey mom," I replied looking down "How you feeling," I looked up at her "I'm good thanks for coming," "Mhm," I sighed "Look I know I'm not the best mom but you actually came which I appreciate that," she smiled "yeah mom I try to be a good daughter..." I sniffled holding back tears that I shouldn't even have she's a shity mom anyway.

After awhile of sitting in silence my mom eventually fell asleep from all the things that have been going on with her today

"Hey doctor I'm going to leave now," I said to the doctor who walked into the room "Okay we will keep you updated with your mom," the doctor smiled and so did I before walking past and taking the elevator downstairs and out the door

"Hey Johnnie I know that took a long time but let's go now," I sighed

"Okay but do you wanna stop for any food?" he asked "Yeah I'm starving," I chuckled

He ended up driving us to chick-fill-a

"What do you want to eat?" he asked "Um I'll take the chicken nuggets with a spicy chicken sandwich," "Any drink?" he looked over at me "Yeah I'll take a lemonade," I smiled and he flashed one back before ordering his meal as well as mine

We finally got our food before driving home but I dosed off after eating my

My body shook as I woke up seeing Johnnie moving my body to wake me up since we arrived at the house

"We are here," he said while unbuckling his seatbelt as I opened my door stretching as I got out

"Today was crazy," I yawned while slowly walking up to the door waiting for Johnnie to open it. He unlocked the door as we both walked in seeing Jake and Cora watching YouTube "OH HEY GUYS!!" Cora jumped up running to give me a hug "Heyy Cora" Jake looked at me "Oh and Jake of course," Jake sighed "As long as you said hi to me too," He shrugged and chuckled "You look tired," Cora cuffed my cheeks shaking my face trying to wake me up "Yeah it's been a day," I laughed "Come sit," Jake told Cora, Johnnie, and I "Um I'm actually going to head to bed," I smiled "Thanks though," I tossed my hair up into a bun before walking into the bedroom grabbing a random pair of shorts and hoodie before going into the bathroom putting the shower on hot of course after a long day

After the shower I wrapped a towel around me drying off my body. I sat the towel over a towel rack and changed into my clothes before grabbing my towel once more before walking out into the kitchen where the three of them were "Hey guys just came for a glass of water," I smiled as they all nodded continuing to watch whatever was on the TV

I walked into the room shutting the door behind me as I laid in bed posting on my instagram the photos I took today including stupid 0.5's of Johnnie quoting "Guys go watch Johnnie's live clips today there shall be a suprise🤗" I chuckled as I posted it putting Johnnie's @ in the caption as well before hearing a knock at the door "Come in," I announced. The door opened as I saw Johnnie with a bag of some candy "Cora got you this she told me to give it to you," he walked over to me laughing at himself "What's funny?" I asked confused as he placed the bag of candy on my lap "Nothing just saw what you posted," he laughed "Yeah I did you dirty with them photos also tell Cora thank you," he chuckled "Okay sleep good Y/N," he smiled "Good night," I smiled as he began to walk out the door "Oh also there's a big surprise happing tomorrow that Jake and I have to tell you and Cora," he looked back "Cool beans," I replied putting my airpods in with a thumbs up as he closed the door

"I wonder what that surprise is," I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep

I wonder...

My Favorite Emo boy. (Johnnie X Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now