Forgive & Forget

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Athena's Pov 

“If I could I'd stop them from it but… it's just how they are.” Grandpa sighed.

Last night's sleep didn't bring me an ounce of peace but I still managed to sleep till two pm. After freshening up, I ran straight to grandpa's room to interrogate him about his betrayal and this is what he had to say.  

“So you’ve accepted this side of them?” 

“I can't abandon them for their actions. They're my kids and…” He looked away like the justification he’s providing didn't sit well with him either. “They don't hurt innocent people.” 

“That doesn't make them good.” I freed my hand from grandpa and stood up. “How can you support all this?” 

“I don't. But it's true that I have stopped advising them against it.” 

“I don't understand this, grandpa…” 

I closed my eyes and pressed my hands hard on them, trying to get rid of the headache that's restricting me from processing. Grandpa walked towards me and gently placed a hand on my arm, rubbing it slowly to comfort me. 

“Take your time, sweetheart. No one's rushing you to make decisions right now. Figure it out at your own pace.”  

I opened my eyes and looked at him. “I never wanted to live with them but now after knowing this…” 

“I don't like their work either, Thena but I've learned to separate that part of their life and love them for who they are to me.” 

“I don't know how it's so easy for you. I can't accept criminals so easily.” 

“You can try to…” 

I narrowed my eyes on him. “You’re awfully accepting of them even after knowing what happened last night. Do you think it was okay for me to see that? Do you think I should just move on from it? Please tell me you've not forgiven them for the years of suffering I went through because of them?” 

He gulped and I waited a few heartbeats before he spoke again. “I haven't forgiven them for it but… I always wanted to see you all as a family. They might be the worst people in the world but I… I always wanted them to come and repent. I wanted them to realize their mistake and want you back.” 

His confession made me feel uneasy and I looked away from him. I always knew grandpa’s intentions. I knew he still loved his sons and saw our future together. But I was absolutely sure that won't ever happen so I never thought about it. 

“Don't you think your expectations from me are unfair?” I asked him with tears brimming my eyes. “You want me to forgive them and play a happy family just because one day they had an awakening and regretted abandoning a baby.” 

He shook his head and tried nearing me but I stepped away so he gave me some space. “I just want you to consider the prospect of a life with them. You don't have to forgive them right now but at least allow them to put in efforts for your forgiveness.” 

“You know what,” I looked him directly in the eyes. “You're the best grandpa I could ever ask for. I'm literally alive because of you,” I took a breath before uttering the cruelest words I could for him. “But sometimes the father in you values his sons more than me. You see their mistakes as naivety of their teenage, I know you do the same with me and I'm a hypocrite to point it out in their context but I… I haven't ruined a child’s life. They did.” Tears were streaming down my face as I fisted my hands to calm myself. “But you still want the best for them. Which isn't wrong because they're your kids but… it's unfair to me.” 

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