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a/n Now I try to avoid rewriting viral sounds, but I just love this. Also, I added a little extra because, again, I try not to copy viral sounds. No hate to those who do by the way. Somebody has to do it. I just don't want to overdo it. If you disagree with any of these, please comment. I would love a discussion.

Dorcas: I will win the knife fight by bringing more knives.

Mary: I will win the knife fight by bringing a large gun.

Marlene: I will win the knife fight with my bare hands and my bare hands alone.

Pandora: I will win the knife fight by simply stopping the knife fight from happening.

Peter: I will win the knife fight by not participating and not getting killed.

Severus: I will win the knife fight by calling the cops.

Evan: I will win the knife fight by sniping the opposing leader.

Remus: I will win the knife fight with a handful of glitter bombs and a wrench.

James: I will win the knife fight with a singular knife and a mother's instinct.

Barty: I will win the knife fight with a large explosion.

Lily: I dare you to start a knife fight with me.

Sirius: I started the knife fight.

Regulus: And I am just here to watch whatever happens next.


Charlie: What? So you just take notes and make a few flashcards, and you're good?

Bill: Well yeah.

Tonks: (Runs in with her hair flashing between hot pink and neon blue like a siren)

Bill: What did you do?!

Tonks: Snape took 20 points from Hufflepuff, so I put dungbombs in the staff room.


Tonks: Yes, and now I need to run. Like now. (sprints down the hall)

Prof. McGonagall: (walks in) Messers Weasley, you wouldn't happen to have seen Nymphadora Tonks. Would you?

Charlie: No, but I wish I did. Doesn't she get away with the craziest stuff?

Prof. McGonagall: hmph.

Tonks disguised as Filch: Stupid children, dirtying the castle with their contraband. If it were up to me, they would be hanging by their thumbs by now. (walks by in the direction of the staff room)

Bill: (rolls his eyes)

Charlie: (trying to hide his smile)

Prof. McGonagall: (looking between them suspiciously) hmm.


Inspired by Erin @managerofMischief on tiktok, in which watch all of her if James and Lily survived videos. They are genius.

Harry: (slays basilisk)

Lily in Heaven: (frantically pacing out of fear)

James in Heaven: (in the voice of Anakin Skywalker from Hishe How It Should Have Ended saying "I'm going to be a father") My son is so cool! Lils! Did you see? He just epically slayed a BASILISK! Not even I was that cool!

Lily: JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER! Our son just nearly died!

James: Well, I mean ... he knew what he was doing. Besides, with his track record of avoiding death now becoming 3:0, I had confidence.


James: Okay. That's unfair. I can't call you Evans anymore love.

Lily: Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

Marlene: You can kill him if you want. He'll just respawn.

Lily: I'm not going to kill my husband.

James: Ha. Take that, McKinnon.

Lily: Oh, you still aren't off the hook, dear.


James: (interrupting a Wolfstar moment)

Sirius: Oh, so now we can prank people? At least we don't become boring after getting a date Mr. "I have Head Boy duties with my Girlfriend and therefore can't do anything fun"!

James: I have not become boring!

Remus: As the most sensible one and the one who gets the least detentions, I will say that you have not helped us prank anyone for 2 months. As much as I support this change, you have become boring Prongs.

James: (scoffs) it has not been 2 months.

Sirius: (puts on a smug look)


Remus: (enters Heaven)

Lily: Rem! Thank you! Thank you for protecting him.

Remus: Of course, Lily.

James and Sirius: Welcome back Moons!

Sirius: Now what the f*ck was that with Andy's daughter?

Remus: I-

Regulus: (snorts)

Remus: Regulus? ... I- I heard how you died.

Regulus: (looks up sharply)

Sirius: What?

Regulus: I don't need your pity Lupin.

Remus: I wasn't going to give you pity, Regulus. I was going to give you my respect, as much as I can possibly give a person.

Regulus: (looks away)


Sirius: Wait. How did the psycho die? He refuses to tell us.

Remus: He went on a suicide mission to help destroy the Dark Lord. "I know I will be dead long before you read this, but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more."

Sirius: ... (looks at Regulus)

Regulus: (walks away)

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