I just want you all the be a wear of suicide.
I know you all know what that is by now, if not. Then let me explain
It's when someone is so upset with their life they.....hurt themselves. Deadly if I should add on.
And let me explain it a bit clear for the ones who know it. A lot might not know this.....but no one ever goes to heaven after they kill themselves.
I hate to inform people on this and I truly hate it myself. But if your thinking of it...don't, I have a firend who's like that but I changed her life she told me.
But I learned a bit about it.
Killing yourself is a sin to god. When you do that sin....it can not be forgiven. You need to talk.... Come to me. I'll figure something with you.
God has a plan he puts us in rough situations to teach us (I forget the word.... Shoot.) He loves us. Dont feel loved he loves you.
And to tell you more....when you make that sin......you never go to heaven you go to hell. And hell...... It's not raging fire, man has proclaimed it to be. But is not true. What hell is like. It's like nothing....your nothing, no sound no one around....just you and emptiness. Your all alone.
And why you wanna hurt yourself so badly? That's the devil trying to gain another victim. The more he takes the more powerful he feels. Chose god....not a threat. Good things come to the ones who wait in line patiently.
You need to have faith. You should be at least Baptised twice and accept god into your heart and you'll be protected. He died on the cross for all of our sins let me remind you.
He's our one true god. Follow em. Chose god.
And if none of this works and you got questions. I may have answers.
Love you~