Object 1

34 1 46

Book?: Outcasts In Paradise
Object?: Sunglasses
Object interact-er/user?: Ren diggity dog!

Let's jump in!

Why am I doing this to myself? XD

This is like a drabble, btw-


  The sunglasses sat comfortably atop the dog hybrid's nose, as always. Perfect protection from the sun!

  The dog hybrid hid behind people, the sunglasses going askew a bit. He better fix them! The sunglasses might fall.

  The dog hybrid was moved away from the people from before, instead being roughly grabbed by other people.

Wonder why? The dog hybrid tried to get away, the sunglasses almost falling off and onto the grass, where they'd surely be broken.

  Then the dog hybrid went limp, unsure how or why, but he was dragged along now. At least the sunglasses were still on his face.

  A long strange journey, then a building, then dark areas, then a brightly lit up room. A fake sun for the sunglasses to block, and painted walls.

  The dog hybrid was placed in a fenced off box, and there were a bunch of furry dogs. Uh oh. They kept on sniffing the dog hybrid, somewhat aggressively, and licking him in some places.

  What if they knock off the sunglasses?!

  The dog hybrid stayed asleep, even when a dog barked at him, even when a pup curled up next to him to sleep as well.

A dog decided to lay down on top of the dog hybrid, which finally woke him up. But then a sound besides barking was heard.

"Ren!" A voice called.

The dog hybrid grunted and tried to shove the dog off, eventually deciding to bite the animal. The dog whimpered and ran off, the dog hybrid quickly sitting up, looking a bit disheveled from all the dogs that were messing with him.

And, uh oh. The sunglasses were on the floor next to him! Hurry, pick them up! Before they get crushed!

But no, the dog hybrid didn't notice. He just cried back "Zed".

  The dog hybrid left the sunglasses behind, on the ground, sure to be trampled by a bunch of dogs. Oh one was approaching the object? It's the pup that had slept against the dog hybrid!

  The pup sniffed the sunglasses, staring intently at them. It probably smelled the dog hybrid.

  The pup pushed against the sunglasses, messing with them until- oh?

  The pup barked in confusion when its vision darkened a bit, but it quickly calmed down and just sat down.

  I suppose Ren's sunglasses have a new wearer, and an awfully adorable one at that.

Uh, that's it- yup.

Hope you enjoyed.

342 words.

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