The Day After

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Onika POV

I couldn't move, I was glued to the bed. I was afraid to move. The way Beyoncé fucked me last night I'm afraid to even look at anybody else. She just doesn't even know that I could never look at anyone else because nobody can make me feel the way she does.

I was just watching her sleep, every five minutes she pulled me closer and closer.

" Bey if you want me in your skin just say that " I said kissing her neck.

" I love you Onika " She said pulled me closer now I can't breathe.

She rubbed my back and started humming a song.

honey I'm in love with you
You set me free
I can't do this thing
Called life without you here with me

I ended up falling back asleep.

I kept feeling the bed vibrate. I still couldn't move.

" Please answer that baby " Bey said.

I got up and grabbed the phone. I put it on speaker without even looking who name it was.

" Bitches got dick last night and can't even pick up their phone for their best friend " Lauren yelled.

" Girl why you so loud? " I said turning her down and scrunched my face up.

" It's 3pm, y'all stank asses need to get up anyways "

We both hoped up

" It's WHAT ? " we both said.

" Bey must've laid it on you to have you stuck in the bed. You don't usually be in bed all day. That's not even you"

" Indeed she did, I'm never coming up off that dick now " I said sticking my tongue out getting up.

I felt a burning sensation on my ass

I moaned.

" Y'all nasty, bye " Lauren said.

" Come get in the shower with me daddy " I said walking into the bathroom.

We showered and did our personal hygiene.

We decided to go to Mama Tina house. Lauren texted me and said they were on their way to her house. We finally arrived and before we can even open the door. Mia came running.


What the fuck am I a tree? How about you miss your own mama.

" I miss you too princess, you've been behaving? I would hate to have to cancel what I had planned for you "

Here she go trying to earn cool points.

" Where we going BeyBey? " She said smiling ear to ear.

" It's a secret just know we're going soon " she said kissing her cheeks

I hate to have to break this reunion up.

" Well excuse me, you don't see me standing here London ? " I said with a raised eyebrow.

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