Chapter 1: Opening

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Underworld of Falmart, 687 IC (2016 CE)

Under unchartered territory where its yet to reach by falmartian "mortal" lie down a domain where a goddess live.

She's called by many names, goddess, devil, the angel of death, apostle and etc.. but the name that stand the most was "The Goddess Hardy".

Currently she sitting in her lone throne room of her domain, she previously try to propose Rory Mercury, Apostle of Emory to marry her and live eternally in her underground domain but she unhesitatingly rejected that offr even after centuries of persuasion.

Moreover currently she had a problem of her own between mortals, Saderan Empire or so that mortals called was nothing more than a eyesores on the face of Falmart for Hardy. They are arrogance, ruthless, irrational and had a lack of humility thinking they are above of all else other than a gods.

"What a pain.." she signed as she's right now

This make hardy realized to give Saderan some piece of the lesson for their own arrogance, lately she stumbled across a realms of alternate reality and that got she thinking.

"Hmm.. how about I connected a world who is strongest than those "Saderan" into here..?" She said to herself. she about to summon before she had another ideas of her minds

"Maybe one weren't enough for these mortals" she think then she clicked "why not I added extras" she said with wicked smile thinking herself this would be a ***Overkill*** for the Saderan Empire but she doesn't really care at all

She then channel her mana through out the realms and start to form a "gateway" between each three of realities she chosen.

She can't help herself but to giggle on think a scenario than could be played out by this world changing events.


Western Front, 1925 Unified Year (2016 CE)

In the scarred barren land of rhineland, the trench was built on the each side. On the west there was a Republican Army currently watching east side of the trench that was guarded by Imperial Army.

It was a foggy day on the trench line as the soldier on both side was stationing for any attacked on eachside, other than some of them talking about their life while other cleaning up their rifle for future use. It wasnt very lively yet still worth it despite its horrible condition the soldier had to endure


Inside Imperial commander room, where the commander alongside his radio and mana operator currently waiting for the order from Imperial HQ

The room was cold and bit dark as it's only light source was from single lantern that hanging on the ceiling, to keep the room warm the fireplace was put on edge of the room

"Was there any new command from a HQ?" A commander spoke to a radio operator for a news

"Not yet sir" Radio Operator said

"God grace..." He signed "it's been 5 months yet no progress?! What a HQ thinking?!" he thinking to himself. He with his Frontline man had been in stand by position for 5 months and waiting for HQ command but that yet to come by.

"Seem I will stay for another days I guess, sorry my love.." he thought as he started to miss his girlfriend back home while still station a front

"I will get myself a coffee, keep those ear for any news" he said as he about to exit to get cup of coffee to clear his mind

"Yes, sir!" Operator replied

"Sir!" Suddenly Mana Operator called out

A commander stopped his step and looked at mana operator

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