Chapter 7

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Dean’s night had been great. The game was very exhilarating and the beers had been extra cold. Dean had missed spending time with his friends. Benny and Richie were his college friends but lately with everything going on with Lisa, they had lost touch. So now that Dean was single again, he had thought to reach out. They had teased Dean about being single but as neither were married themselves, it had been all fun and games. Dean had drank maybe a beer or two too much but as the Roadhouse was just a block from their apartment, he couldn’t care less. He had an awesome buzz going on as he walked back to their flat. 

As he opened their apartment door, he noticed the lights were on. That’s odd, I thought I turned them off. He thought to himself but decided that he might have forgotten them as he was too tipsy to remember properly. He decided to make a sandwich for himself but was sobered instantly by the sight the moment he marched into the kitchen. There was Sam sitting on the kitchen table with a dude standing between his legs. They were kissing passionately and Sam had one of his hands groping the man’s butt and other grasping his shirt. Dean shut his eyes before he could see where the other guy’s hands were and hollered “Oh jesus, Sammy, my eyes!” Sam’s hands instantly dropped and Sam quickly jumped off the table pushing the man farther back. “Dean!” He exclaimed and Dean opened his eyes for a smidge to see if they were decent. “Hiya Dean-o!” The man, which Dean recognised now to be Gabriel, cheered clearly unaffected by Dean’s reaction or the interruption. “Don’t you Dean-o me, you son of a bitch” Dean fumed ready to take Gabriel head on. Sam stepped between them and stopped Dean. “Gabe, please, could you excuse us for a second.” He pleaded. Gabe decided it was best not to argue or annoy Dean anymore and slipped inside Sam’s room. “Care to explain?!” Dean bellowed. “So… Dean… I, well I am gay—” But Sam was interrupted. “Yeah, Sam, I can see that. But why in the seventh hell is some guy, I haven’t met before, is defiling my brother on the kitchen table?” Dean’s anger flared. “Umm Dean, sorry to break it to you, but I haven’t exactly been introducing all my partner’s to you before.” Sam was getting a bit annoyed himself but at the same time relieved that Dean wasn’t angry about the being gay part. “Well now on, you should. And please keep your private business off the kitchen table. I eat on that table you know!” Dean’s temper was cooling down a bit. “Private business? You mean sex?” Sam inquired amusedly. “Please Sammy, I don’t want to think about your bedroom life. You’re my baby brother.” Dean felt shivers go down his spine. Sammy just barked a laugh and stepped towards his room. “Okay, maybe me and my private business should leave for his place for the night.” Dean just glared as his brother went to his room and dragged Gabriel out of the apartment with him. “Night jerk!” He heard Sam shout before the door closed. “Night bitch.” Dean answered meekly. He had lost his appetite. 

Dean was just fresh out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his hips, when he heard someone knocking frantically to the door. He rushed to the door, thinking it might be Sam and something might have happened but boy was he wrong. There on the hallway stood Charlie, whom Dean hadn’t seen in a long while with Cas who was sitting down on the floor. Both were clearly plastered as Charlie was giggling immensely and Cas just sat there wide-eyed eyeing Dean up and down. It made Dean somewhat uncomfortable and very self aware with only the towel as his cover. “Charlie! Hi?” Dean greeted her a bit confused. “Hey Dean! Listen, me and Cas were —” She giggled immensely and Dean felt somebody grab his towel and yank it lightly. He glanced down and saw Cas holding the towel’s hem and rubbing it between his fingers. “—were just out with Sam and I dropped Cas home but he forgot his keys. Could he sleep here tonight?” She burst into giggles as she saw Cas trying to rise up by holding the towel and pulling himself up by it and Dean fighting to stay upright while keeping the towel from slipping off by Cas’ weight. Luckily Charlie had the decency to pry Cas’ hands off the towel and help him up. “Are you sure it’s a good idea?” Dean questioned scanning Cas and the state he was in. Cas just smiled innocently. “Sure it is! You can figure out what to do tomorrow.” She practically pushed Cas past Dean and into the apartment. “I’m leaving now!” She quickly shouted and sprinted to the elevator. “Are you sure you will be fine?” Dean yelled after her. She just made a peace sign with her hands and smiled as the elevator shut its doors. 

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