Chapter ten

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Grace was surrounded by darkness.

     It was an endless void. An icy void, that seemed intent on sucking the life out of Grace. It was a terrible feeling of loneliness. It was like she was the only thing in existence. She didn't like it and she wished it would stop.

     It was a dream, she reckoned. It had to. She was floating in a near-empty void. The only source of light came from flecks in the distance. She didn't know what the flecks were, but they were beautiful.

     If it was a dream, she had complete control. She could wake up. Wake up! 

     It didn't work.

     Then she was moving. No, she realised. Not moving but falling. Falling through the darkness.

     Grace tried to reach out, to try and latch onto anything she could to prevent her from falling any further, but there was nothing around. The bright flecks in the darkness came closer and she realised they were stars.

     Stars! She was surrounded by thousands of stars. It was a beautiful sight, and Grace wished she could take a moment to appreciate the sight, if only she wasn't still falling.

     Falling faster and further. No ground in sight. Nothing but stars.

     Grace wanted to sleep, which was a silly thought. She was asleep, wasn't she? This was a dream. But she was so tired. She felt her body relax, despite the immense pressure applied to her skin.

     A pressure that lessoned the closer she got to land.

     Land! Finally.

     Before Grace could rejoice too soon, she burst into flames.

     Sparks jumped off her skin and her entire body felt as if she was being roasted. The pain was agonising and Grace wished she could speak out. Cry to try and lesson the pain, but it was like she had no control over her body.

     A small chunk of her body broke away.

     Grace didn't know what part of her body she was now missing, but before she could investigate, another part of her body chipped away. She felt like a doll that was being torn apart. Missing limbs being scatted across the surface of the Earth.

     As her body continued to break apart, the stars disappeared, surrounded by blue sky, then a land overshadowed with lush greenery.

     Grace heard a strange noise. Like an animal, maybe a roar, and as land came closer, Grace felt herself being pulled away. Slamming back into her body, back in her bathroom, her head resting on Beth's lap, her friend's tear-stained face hysterical.

     "Beth, stop crying." Grace's voice was weak and a shoulder-jerking cough crippled her. Grace relaxed against Beth, using her friend for support, Grace's slowly started to move her fingers, before she wiggled her toes.

     Okay. She still had her arms and legs. That was promising.

     Breathing hurt, but Grace forced herself to sit up. She leaned against Beth, she had to otherwise she was afraid she might collapse against the floor again. "What happened?"

     "That's what I was about to ask you." At least Beth had stopped crying. "I was about to call an ambulance."

     Grace shook her head. "Never. We can't afford an ambulance."

     Beth's face was stricken. "Grace, you collapsed. Then you grew warm."

     Grace turned to look at Beth, and the small movement caused her senses to swarm. "What?"

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