Ch. 1.5

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To me running is very relaxing, it always calms me down. Running in Paris is just so beautiful, the sunrise looks like something out of a storybook.

Before I head back to the hotel, I stop by the Dupain-Cheng bakery.

"Aunt Sabine." I say as I run over to her and hug her, "I'm so excited to see you!"

After our hug, she calls for Uncle Tom to come out to greet me.

He walks out with a huge smile plastered on his face, flour covering his apron, but I didn't care as I hugged him tightly. Him and I conversed as Aunt Sabine went to grab something from the back.

When she came back she handed me a bag of pastries for Mako and I to snack on, my face evidently bright with joy at the tasty treats (and free, an absolute score!).

"Remember to walk back with Marinette after school," she looks back to Uncle Tom, "we haven't exactly told her yet about the new living arrangements..."

I smiled understandingly at her and my uncle. "I won't forget, anyways I need to get going." Before I close the door, I tell them; "love you and thank you for the pastries!"

I ran back to the hotel giddy, the bag of pastries in hand. I head up to my room and open the door to my cousin's conjoint room, seeing he's still sound asleep.

Before my shower I pick out my favorite pastries from the bag and munch on them. A dark chocolate croissant and almond brioche.

Savoring the taste, I took a moment to really take in my current situation.

It was all bizarre—really, the fact that I was now in Paris with my cousin. Everything was a stark contrast to my life in China. Honestly, I'm quite nervous about how I'll adjust... but I'll be fine, I always am.

Once I finished eating, I decided to refresh myself.

After my shower I dry my hair while thinking about Marinette, our cousin.

What was she like? Would she like us? Is she nice? What are her thoughts about this whole ... ordeal?

Overthinking the opinion of our family member—these thoughts jumbled in my head, leaving me in a spacey-trace as I mindlessly do my hair.

I shook my head abruptly to stop thinking about everything. What good would it do me anyway?

I head back into Mako's room and see he's still asleep, so I grab my half empty water bottle and dump it onto him, a small sinister smirk adorning my face.

"Fuck!" He immediately sits up, a long string of distressed curse words came out of his frowning mouth.

After staring at me with boiling hatred for a solid thirty-seconds did he decide to jump up and start chasing me around the room.

"Get back here you damn gremlin!"

Laughing, we both practically play tag around the hotel room—zooming and hoping over objects as he pursued his small chase.

Unfortunately, my foot got tangled in a fallen blanket—causing me to stumble which gave Mako an opening. He then tackled me to the ground.

"What the fuck Mei?!" He says, pissed. "you literally could have just shaken me and I would have fucking woken up."

"Oh. well, what's done is done." I say smiling smugly.

He gets up with a frustrated huff, and then helps me up. "I guess I don't need to shower now."

He then walked to his bathroom, slamming the door on his way, but then seconds later I heard the water running from his shower.

"Thought my water bottle cleaned him enough."

I head back over to my own bathroom to finish getting ready. After mako's shower I forced him to braid my hair.

"Seriously? Why can't you do it yourself.."

Although reluctantly, he helped me anyways.

As I go through my clothes I find my old school's uniform. For old times sake, I decide to wear it.

"We're finally free of it. How could you want to wear—let alone even look at it." Mako questions, not even looking at me but the mirror, to busy admiring himself.

I don't respond, just sighing as I finish packing my bag. I'm reminded of everything we left behind when I look in the mirror, memories of the past flooding my mind.

This change to Paris was definitely needed, something we both dearly appreciated.

The walk to school was peaceful, me and Mako admired the difference in beauty of our surroundings as we wandered the streets of Paris to our destination.

Mako and I ate more pastries as I made fun of him for the Dramione fanfiction he was writing.

He just ignored me, with a roll of his eyes.

Although, as soon as we entered the classroom, we were swarmed by people, the once peaceful atmosphere outside completely shattered in indifference to the now stuffy one.

One person sure made an impression when she pushed through everyone else while calling them 'utterly ridiculous'.

"Hello. I'm sure you already know who I am.", With a flip of her golden ponytail, she smiled pridefully.

"Actually I don't-"

"-I'm Chloe, Chloe Bourgeois. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong people." she says with a smirk, abruptly butting into my response.

"I think I can tell the wrong people for myself." I whispered while staring her down, gaze cold.

Leaving her with a red face, I say hello to the others.

Seconds later, I spot Marinette standing in the entrance, exhausted and out of breath.

I watched her for a moment from my position. Blue ponytails and blue eyes, she definitely was our cousin. Excitement reached my growing grin as I eagerly had to go and greet her.

I excuse myself and stroll over to her, trying to be polite as I push people out of the way.

I stick out my hand and introduce myself, "Greetings. I am your cousin, Mei Cheng. It's a pleasure to meet you once more."

She seems nervous and taken back as we shake hands.

I hear Chloe whisper in the background to a redhead close by, "how could the poor baker girl be related to such a rich and important family? it's ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"

I apologize to my cousin and head over to chloe.

"I understand that you are used to getting your way," she tries to interrupt me, but I don't let her this time, "but don't think I can't make your life miserable, and I will if you don't leave my cousin alone. Understand?"

Before she could respond Mme Bustier yells,

"Everyone back to your seats!" she pauses, "as you can see we have two new students with us all the way from China, why don't you two introduce yourselves?"

I speak up first "bonjour, my name is Meiyu Cheng but you can call me Mei."

Mako looks around, his cold eyes. "Mako Cheng." he says in his deep voice.

"Alright. why don't you two take a seat in the back up there." Mme bustier says as she claps her hands together. "Okay everyone, let's review pg 7."

Mako and I make our way to the back.

I glare at Chloe as we pass her, my eyes purposefully threatening.

I open the tablet on my desk and go to the correct screen.

I look over to Marinette, to find her fast asleep on her desk. And, to my great surprise, Mme Bustier just ignored her?

"How odd, do the teachers not punish students here?"

After this I will try to write longer chapters -author M

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