1. got a text!... or several?

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After a long day of recording, all you really wanted to do was curl up in bed and play something for background noise, a temporary comfort blanket as you drifted off to sleep. The studio had become your second home, filled with endless hours of writing, recording, and perfecting new songs. While you loved every minute of it, the constant bustle left you craving the solitude and peace that only your bed could provide. It had been ages since you had a moment to yourself or quality time with the friends who had stuck by you through your sudden rise to fame.

The day's events blurred together, just like most days did. There was a routine of writing new songs and crafting melodies, but you wouldn't have it any other way. This was the life you and your friends had always dreamed of, ever since you could remember. Now, you had the incredible opportunity to share your passion with millions of fans who adored you and your band, Deaf Moths.

The sudden push into stardom had been nothing short of shocking. Going from a small-town North Yorkshire girl playing in run down rock pubs with your two closest friends among other wannabe musicians to one of the most famous women on the planet was a whirlwind experience. It had its downsides, of course. Privacy was a luxury you could no longer afford, and you often felt like you were living under a microscope. But none of that could overshadow your love for music. It was your lifeline, your reason for enduring the madness that came with fame.

Trust had become a rare and fragile thing. You never knew who you could let into your inner circle. While many people adored you, just as many seemed eager to leech off your success and talent. You had learned that the hard way, and it had left you feeling isolated at times. The adoration from fans was wonderful, but it couldn't replace the genuine connections you longed for. The constant vigilance was exhausting, and the emotional toll was high.

As you lay in bed, finally starting to unwind, the familiar comfort of your soft sheets and the hum of background noise began to lull you to sleep. Just as you were about to drift off, your phone buzzed insistently, breaking the tranquility of the moment. Groaning, you reached over to see what was going on, squinting at the bright screen in the dark room.

Your phone continued to buzz incessantly, lighting up with notifications. You unlocked it and saw that you had been added to a new group chat. The name of the group chat immediately caught your attention:

Olympic Cycling Team🤪🚴🏻‍♀️

You didn't recognize any of the clear nicknames in the notifications, and your mind raced with questions. Who were these people? Why had you been added to this group chat? You scrolled through the messages, trying to make sense of the situation.

The messages were a flurry of excited chatter and inside jokes that one specific person seemed to be making about the names they had all been given that made no sense to you. It was clear that this was a close-knit group, and you had no idea how you had ended up being included. A sinking feeling settled in your stomach as a new worry crept into your mind:
had your number been leaked?

Deciding not to share your concerns with the group chat of random people, you opted to call your best friend Dylan. He always knew how to calm you down. You dialed his number, and after a few rings, he picked up.

"Hey, what's up Chicken?" Dylan's familiar nickname for you immediately cast a comforting presence.

"Dyl, I think my number might have been leaked again. I just got added to this random group chat with people I don't know and no one except you guys, my family and management have my new number," you said, trying to keep the anxiety out of your voice.

Dylan chuckled softly. "That's weird. Have they even said your name or anything like that?"

You thought for a moment. "No, they haven't. They're just chatting amongst themselves."

"You donut! It was probably an honest mistake," Dylan reassured you. "Maybe someone typed a wrong number. Don't worry about it."

His words helped ease your mind a bit. "Yeah, you're right. I guess I'll just ignore it for now."

"Good idea. Get some rest, okay? You need it after today."

"Thanks, Dylan. I will. Talk to you tomorrow."

"Night Chick," he said before hanging up.

Feeling somewhat reassured, you put your phone down and closed your eyes, letting the hum of the background noise fill the room again. You couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow and this group chat would bring, but for now, you allowed yourself to ignore it and slowly let sleep take over.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐭 • 𝐋𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now