Chapter 3- Happier

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Note: Hi guys so this will have the song Happier Than Ever from Billie Eilish all copyright for the song goes to her and the right people! This is just for fanfiction purposes many thanks!

Also my laptop charger has stopped working so had to finish this before the laptop died :( Didn't get time to edit! So please excuse the errors! 


I make it back to the rental shutting the door behind me as I sob my heart dropping as Shawn carries on to ignore my calls.

I beg with him in voicemail to pick up "please come back you promised to be here with me don't leave me" I whimper as I fall to the floor the fear of being alone digging into my chest like claws as I break down my back hitting the floor hard.

I feel like I can't breathe.

I try to call him again but now it's going straight to divert telling me he turned off his phone making me angry "you promised not to do this to me! You swore you wouldn't!" I scream throwing my phone across the room before hugging into myself both he and Wade know my biggest triggers.

How could they do this?

Everyone will leave you the voice in my head reminds me making me shake my head as it mocks me laughing making me raise my hands to my hair gripping onto my hair to try and stop it.

The only ones that adore you are those who do not truly know you... They will leave too when they find out who you really are just like everyone It whispers in repeat making my roots burn under my grip as my chest racks.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!" I scream at myself the house echoing my cries when my ringtone rings.

On hearing it I panic moving onto my knees which whack against the marble floor hard as I reach for my phone it now fully cracked the light to dim to see the caller ID but I force my finger down hard on the screen remembering where to answer as I ignore the broken glass.

I shake as the phone doesn't answer but with more force, it does forcing the glass to get stuck in my thumb a little bit of blood dripping down as I hope it's Shawn.

"Elizabeth?" the voice prolonged making me swallow air the ball going down harshly as my eyes water more hearing his voice for the first time in half a year.

"Dad" I say shakily after a minute surprised to hear from him "sorry I couldn't be there sweetheart" he says his words slurred telling me he has been drinking again making me take in a shaky breath.

"I should have known you would be drunk" I whisper "it's the only time you call after all"

"Don't be like that" he pleads "I love you so much and missed you but you know what work is like" he says his words twisting my stomach knowing he would never say it sober.

"Wait you're driving?" I ask scared hearing something drive past him and he sighs "I'm on a mission I'm so sorry I couldn't come but you know Charles has me working busy lately-"

"Bullshit you're obviously not even on a misson" I say "now stop driving you could kill someone"

"I just- I needed more- The pub kicked me out" he explains making me tighten my hand on my phone "maybe stop being selfish for once in your fucking life and think of someone else for a change" I snap and I listen him take a breath "I can't talk to you when you're like this" he says making me sneer "you don't talk to me at all!" I remind him leading him to hang up on me.

I try to call him back but the cracked screen makes it hard as it shuts itself down making me curse before hugging myself crying.

I stay that way for what feels like hours the tears nonstop as my chest burns until the urge to write has me pulling myself up looking around for a pen and paper.

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