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     "Akihiko Nirei!" both teenagers flinched at the thunderous voice shaking the Nirei household. They could imagine the face of the woman, hair ruffled by one hand, and the other by her hip as she stared at the disastrous condition they left the room with.

"Aki-chan, hurry the fuck up!" you screamed almost hysterically, slapping his butt with greater force in hope that he managed to crawl out of his bedroom's window. You had to get out after him as the final line of defense, since Mrs.Nirei would probably soften her scolding if it was you. Probably. Most likely...?

Actually, screw that. You were already considered as her daughter by then. After her scolding, you would have to get home to a second round of nagging by your own mother. And if that were to happen, you bet your ass that Akihiko needed to be by your side as well.

"(Nickname) y-you know this is the second floor, right?" he sent a small kick to stop you from slapping his bum, not hurting but as a warning to not urge him or there would be a crime scene in his own house.

You yelped when his socked foot hit your cheek, still urging him, but not as forcefully anymore. A part of you was already giving up at the sound of indoor shoes getting closer to the room you were in.

The male teen cheered silently after he managed to be set free from the confining, and small window and tightly hold on to the A/C pipe just a few centimeters away. Putting his trust into the plastic piece, Akihiko let you grabbed on to his waiting arm.

As if practiced, the two of you slid down the roof, hissing at the heat grazing your skins, and you were the first to go down the folding stairs Nirei's father set in the garden. The boy wouldn't dare to jeopardize your safety, since that would get him grounded, for sure. And Nirei's father wouldn't be happy to know that his stairs was used for mischief.

"Let's go, hehe!" You giggled, patting down your shirt of dust from the roof.

Akihiko caught his breath, and tried to laugh along but it came out in pathetic wheezes. He pat his chest and asked you to wait a moment.

You rolled your eyes playfully. Nirei was much more fit than you, but his overthinking sometimes made him more exhausted than you!..but oh well, you were the cause of his worries most of the time. You felt a bit sorry, in that case.

"Your hair's still wet, is it okay to cover it?" you asked him after the both of you exit the household through the back door, and the boy pulled up his hood.

He stared at you for a moment, a deadpan expression.

Then, it clicked.

You held back a laugh.

But the cashier of the beauty store definitely did not. The moment he saw the both of you entered the store, he rushed out from the counter with his phone in hand.

"Nirei-kun! No way-HAHAHAHA!"

"Stop laughing! I need another box of hair dye!" with a red face, the dark haired boy shouted, embarrassed at the failed hair dyeing.

"Yo–You look good with those highlights." the young man lifted the wet strands of hair with definitely the remnants of yellow dye sticking to them stubbornly. And there were blotches of the colour on the hoodie, his cheeks and shaky fingers. Not only that, your fingers were also tainted because none of you were knowledgeable enough to do it.

"It's okay, Aki-chan. I'll cover this one for you." you reassured, because you were the one who dumped the bright ink onto his head in the first place. Nirei didn't have time to convince you to watch a Utube video for tutorials. He sniffed, but reached out for the box on the hair section, the one he was using before.

"That'd be 200 yen. A discount for you kiddos!" the clerk winked, handing back the item after you declined for plastic bag.

"Thanks! We'll do it correctly this time so Aki-chan will properly debut as a cool high schooler!" you sent a peace sign in his way, and Nirei bowed, grateful at the other's kindness even if he was laughed at just a few seconds ago.

"We should grab some cleaning supplies.." he mumbled when the bell of the beauty store jingled as they stepped out.

"Yeah, and we should do it in the bathroom this time.." he sighed at your awkward laugh.

"Outta the way!" Suddenly someone screamed from behind, and the two slowpokes that you were, blinked at each other owlishly before turning back to see what was happening.

Nirei rolled on the ground with a grunt, and you felt someone pushing your shoulder roughly. Or more like barrelling into you.

You thought that was the end of it, until you heard something clicked. Blood drained from your face.

The chains on your skirt!!

Your ankles crossed and the world tilted on its axis.

Soft palms felt the smooth pavement first before one of your knees descended. (That would bruise soon, you cried inwardly.) As if on reflex, your other leg kicked the air to stay balanced.

"Augh!" Quickly you reached your skirt before it would slip out from your legs and make you lose face in front of the innocent passerbys. Adrenaline and shame fueled your strength that it gave a split second for the person colliding into you to freeze on the spot.

"Get 'im!" And in the end, you were a tremendous help for the others to catch the purse snatcher.

"Thank you for holding on to him." A guy in the greenish gakuran rubbed his nape, beads of sweat rolling down his cheek.

Akihiko was vibrating beside you, minor scratches and failed dyeing all forgotten to see the older teenagers handling the thrashing man on the ground. They returned the purse back to its owner, an elderly woman a few blocks away.

"Oh, it's Nirei-chan." The grandma handed you two strawberry candies and a bag. "I heard it from them that you helped them. So here, as my appreciation."

It was a bag of clothes with bold, ruffian patterns. Since it was a man's shirt, you assumed it was for Nirei. Oversized shirt was more your cup of tea. You wondered if the clothes were just something she wanted to sell to the thrift store but she saw the opportunity to do charity...

"Doesn't it suit the aesthetic you're going for?"

He peered into the bag and stared at you.

Heyya!! I read around two fics of WINDBREAKER here on WP and decided to write one on my own!!! An Xreader who is a bit chubby since I always wanted a reader insert heh heh 👉👈

Honestly I am biased to the main characters.. so please don't blame me if in the future chapters I don't do your favorites justice.. I'm just a girl 🎀🎀

Enjoy! Next chapter in a week or two >< so stay tune!

[[WINDBREAKER and its characters belong to Satoru Nii]]

Written: 17JULY 2024
Edited: 14AUGUST 2024

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