P.O - Deep voices are enchanting

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(A/N): Waddup Beautiful BBC, thanks for the comments for who you wanted next!
Sorry I didn't post for a while (to busy fangirling).
It's gonna be a bit straight forward and totally different compared to the last story so........ THERE WILL BE A BIT OF SEXUAL THINGS IN THIS STORY! (Don't worry, it's not too much...seriously)


I shouldn't of had so many drinks last night, at least it was only us boys in the dorm.

Everyone must be sleeping still since its so quite...ehhhh...
As groggy as I feel, I'll get some breakfast.

When I walk towards the kitchen I could here some foot steps. Crap. I'm in my bloody underwear, would it be awkward?

I poke my head out around the corner and realise its just Y/n.

"Morning Y/n." Damn my voice is alot more huskier than my morning voice.
"Haha, its more like afternoon actually" exclaimed Y/n with her back to me.

I always forget that there's a girl with us, not like its bad or anything, it's just seems that Y/n is practically one of the boys. We talk to her like as if there are no different sex and she's also all our best friend.

"Ehhh same thing" I said thinking thats a good enough excuse.


To be honest I'm not suprised that everyone is still asleep,the amount of alcohol that they had gezzz... they had enough to get the whole of Seoul drunk (maybe not that much but still).

"Morning Y/n." OMFG WHO IS THAT... ohh its Pyo. Ok ok act like you did not just shat your self.
"Haha, its more like afternoon actually" I corrected him.
"Ehhh same thing." Wow...is his voice this deep? It's ALOT more huskier than usual....its pretty hot actually.....
NOT THAT I LIKE HIM OR ANYTHING, it's just nice to give out compliments that's all.

"So, do you remember who you had sex with last night?" Hehe that idiot won't even remember a thing, let alone who he had sex with


"Calm down! Calm down! I'm only missing with you! You'll bloody wake everyone up in a shit mood, Gez!" I couldn't contain my laugher, his face was priceless.


"...I'm only messing with you..."
Hearing those words weren't just a sigh if relief but it also made me want to tackle her for joking with me like that!

What if I had sex with someone! And got a STD from it, it'll ruin ME and the Block B reputation. Jesus, this woman fucks with my brain all the time!

She needs to pay.
I'll teach her never to mess with thee Pyo Jihoon.

I could tell that Y/n got a fright from when I walked in and said hello to her....hehehe I guess my voice can be my weapon of choice


I was clenching my stomach from laughing so much.
"Omg...hahaha...your face...haha...was...priceless Pyo hehehe," I tried saying between laughs causing me to be breathless

Suddenly I felt arms push me against the wall, everything happened so fast that it was all a blur.
When I realized what was going on, I felt Pyo breathing heavily on my neck.
"You know you shouldn't mess with me like that Y/n," he whispered with his husky voice, sending shivers down my back, "you've tricked me so many times that makes you so breathless of laugher...now im gonna make you breathless from something else."
I felt is member press against my stomach.
I don't know how to feel about this, I mean we are best friends. What if someone walks in.
But he's so tempting!

"Hahaha your very funny Pyo but you can't scare me," I push his chest making him get out the way while shaking my head.
I plopped on the couch and turned on tv.

"I'm not trying to joke Y/n," he said while standing in front of me and getting in my way, "you need to learn your lession," he said winking.

I blushed tomato red.
He sat next to me and look straight in my eyes, leaning towards my lips. I stopped him,
"Pyo, is my 'lession' just a kiss?" I said giving him a judgemental look
He chuckled "no but this is just the start."

His chuckle got to me, making me all flustered.
"Pyo... I don-"

I quickly scrambled for my phone in hopes that it'll get me out of the situation.
"H-hello this is-" I was cut short from my phone being takin off me.
"H-HEY THAT'S MY PH-" I felt Pyo lips press against mine.
"Sorry about that Y/n is busy at the moment please call her later in about...an hour..." He explained to the other person on the phone,
"An hour!?!" I was shocked but yet confused at what's going on in this guys brain,
"I'm gonna make you breathless remember," yet again he winked and leaned in for another kiss.

He laid me down on the dorms couch and hovered over me while holding my hands above my head, he had lust in his eyes and you could see his member having a mind of its own.
He lowered himself to just hover over my lips. My heart was pounding like crazy, wanting him more the closer he gets. He sees my chest raising and falling,
"I see I don't need to that much just to get you breathless huh?" He moved away and sat back up on the couch, leaving me laying down looking like an idiot.

I sat back up leaning on my elbows glaring at him,
"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!" I sat up straight, hitting Pyo on his chest.

He chuckles "I already told you why, you tease me so I guess I should tease you back," he explains while trying to dodge my punches.
"BUT I DON'T TEASE YOU LIKE THAT!!" I yell, trying to not crack a smile.
"Well, think of all the times you bent over for me to see huh?" He says while laughing
"I don't do it on purpose, your just horny all the bloody time," I couldn't help but smile and give Pyo a hug.

"Ha you know it," he winks,
"Pabo..." I sigh and push him away.

What the hell am I gonna do with him.

Hey beautiful BBC, hope you enjoyed the story :) sorry if it was too short or anything.
See! I told you there wouldn't be much sexual content.
Comment for you would like next and what type.
Kaiya-chan over and out!

(Really need a different sign out)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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