Isao Shinomiya--Director Jealous- I Mean, General (fluff)

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Isao Shinomiya x gn!reader

Isao sees you and a platoon leader hanging out at lunch... he is NOT happy about it!

Warnings: none

A/n: I made up the Platoon Leader character, just fyi :)

You sighed, setting your lunch tray down with a bit more force than intended, the loud clunk of plastic hitting tabletop reverberating through the dining hall. It was another fine day at the Ariake Maritime Base but you were so exhausted that you decided to take your second meal break early. Being Chief of Staff was certainly no joke—you always had meetings to attend, battle plans to write out, training to keep your body in top shape. You loved your job, though, because it made you feel like you were truly making a difference in the Defense Force. It certainly didn't hurt that rising up the ranks allowed you to spend more time with Director General Shinomiya, who you considered a coworker, and was the man you'd been hopelessly in love with for an embarrassingly long time. You didn't mind pining from afar since the prospect of approaching him with a topic of anything but anti Kaiju tactics was much too scary. You also weren't worried that someone else would confess romantic intentions to him before you ever could because his gruff demeanor and no nonsense attitude certainly weren't causing people to fight for his affections.

Not that people were lining down the block to steal your heart, either.

You sighed again, this time taking some food to your mouth in an attempt to enjoy your meal. The saying is correct that it's lonely at the top: you'd worked so hard in your career that you had no time for a significant other and you rarely saw your family due to other obligations. Even friends were slim pickings here at headquarters since most people in First Division wouldn't chance talking to a superior like yourself in such a casual way and the rest of your peers were either gone on business trips or holed away in their own offices nonstop.

"L/n, right? Chief of Staff?"

You turned your head to face the person standing next to you. You recognized the smiling man as a First Division Platoon Leader. You nodded, allowing him to continue.

"Wow, I never see you high rankers out here! Can I sit?"

He motioned to the seat next to you and again, you nodded. He was right that the higher ups weren't in the dining hall too often. You usually chose to eat in your office, trying to get as much work done as possible at all times. Today was a rarity for you in that you really needed a break. You also really needed a friend, so you let him talk your ear off as you munched away.

"I'm Kiyoshi Kato, Platoon Leader. Of course, you probably already knew that. Anyway, I've been working on this idea for a smoother evacuation plan..."

Kiyoshi then delved deep into his well thought out plan. You wanted to be frustrated that you couldn't escape work in the one place that no one ever gets work done, but you had to admit, his idea was genuinely smart. You saw where improvements could be made, but overall, it was pretty solid.

"I'm impressed, Kato," you said, giving him a hearty pat on the back, "you made some really good points in that idea of yours. Why don't you type up a proposal and run it by my office later?"

You had never seen someone's eyes light up quicker than his did in that moment.

No one had ever seen a man's eyes darken as quickly as Isao Shinomiya's did when he saw you speaking with and smiling at a subordinate. As he stood in the doorway of the dining hall, an unfamiliar squeeze of his heart was harshly felt. He had come by your office earlier, hoping to catch a glance of you and exchange pleasantries, but when you weren't there, he frowned deeply. Where could you be? You were always in your office. In fact, he walked by there so often he inadvertently learned your schedule. It was only 11:30am; you usually didn't leave for lunch until 11:47am. Lo and behold, he found you at the dining hall, much too early and off schedule for Isao's liking. He wanted to walk forward and break up whatever moment you two were sharing, but he found himself unable to move, his gaze frozen on the scene in front of him. You had been smiling that wonderful smile of yours, but something was horribly wrong—your hand was resting on the back of another man. Isao's own hand was clenched in a fist by the time you moved away from the mystery man, and his boots hit the ground with a heavy thud of each step as he finally reached your table.

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