Soshiro--Obviously Oblivious (fluff)

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Soshiro Hoshina x gn!reader

Request from @dudelmfao : "Reader and Hoshina are being so oblivious that they both like each other to the point where this absolutely annoys Mina and Okonogi because they are ITCHING to see both of them together."

I hope I did this request justice, please enjoy! Thanks for the request, it was tons of fun to write :D <3

Warnings: none

Another mission done, another celebration was happening at Third Division's base. Though her subordinates were known for their high success rate, Captain Ashiro was pleasantly surprised by just how smoothly the last kaiju disposal went, opting to treat her soldiers with a special catered feast. Thanks to Izumo's family connections, the chef served sizzling plates of A6 beef and endless amounts of accoutrements for the standard price, making Mina's soldiers happy and the military budget even happier. Mina captured a piece of meat between her chopsticks, quietly observing the rowdy group in front of her. Konomi Okonogi sat to her right, a steaming bowl of soup fogging up her glasses. Mina stifled a giggle as she watched the girl wipe her lenses with her sleeve, heavily squinting. Satisfied with her work, Okonogi placed the glasses back on her face and blinked a few times, looking around the room. All of a sudden, her eyes went wide.

"You alright?" Mina asked her, noticing her change in expression.

Okonogi nodded, sputtering slightly. "Huh? O-oh, yeah, I'm fine."

Mina wasn't convinced, raising her eyebrows at the bespectacled woman expectantly.

"Well, I..." she hesitated before finishing her thought. "Hoshina and L/n are sitting awfully close together."

"Does that bother you?"

"Yes!" Okonogi exclaimed, Mina surprised by her outburst. Her face turned beet red as she hurriedly explained herself.

"I didn't mean it like that, Captain! It's just that their behavior together is strange. Quite frankly, they've been getting on my nerves."

The operations leader took a sip of her drink and Mina's curiosity was piqued. Having had her own thoughts surrounding the actions of a certain vice captain and officer, Mina was wondering if she finally found someone she could vent her frustrations to.

"They seem to like each other," she mused, treading lightly in case she misread the situation.

"Like each other?! Total understatement. Those two are hopelessly in love but won't do a thing about it!" Okonogi complained, irritated.

"I thought I was the only one that noticed!" Mina replied, excited that the woman beside her was the perfect confidant she'd been yearning for. "They drive me crazy with their cluelessness!"

"Exactly! I don't know how they don't see their feelings for each other! I mean, they're blinder than I am without my glasses! It's ridiculous!"

"I don't usually condone relationships in the workplace but those two really are perfect for each other," said Mina, eyeing you and Soshiro as you giggled over something he had whispered to you. It made Mina's heart soar in her chest seeing people experience happiness in these moments, when the death and destruction you all faced almost every day could be forgotten for a short time.

"Oh my god, Captain." Okonogi tugged at Mina's sleeve. "I think Soshiro's gonna put his arm around y/n's shoulder!"

"No way," Mina breathed out, anxiously watching as Soshiro scooted closer to you, if that were even possible. He looked fidgety.

Probably nervous, Mina thought, staring down the lovebirds. Soshiro was ready to make his move. He brought his hand over his mouth—

He wasn't going to do that. Was he?

"OH MY GOD!" Mina practically yelled as Soshiro faked a yawn, stretching his muscular arm behind you and resting it comfortably on your chair. The room went silent almost immediately, soldiers turning to see what was going on with their captain.

"That food was really hot," Mina lied, trying to hide her embarrassment behind a napkin. "I'm fine. Everyone, back to what you were doing."

In an instant it was like nothing happened, rambunctious chatter filling the space once more. You and Soshiro weren't phased either, easing back into what Mina figured was your previous conversation. Soshiro's arm was still around you and Mina was relieved that she didn't jeopardize this huge stride in your non-relationship.

"What a classic move," Okonogi said, resting her chin in her palm. "If that wasn't enough to make them realize their feelings, I don't know what will."

"Don't underestimate their ability to be emotionally unaware," warned Mina, shaking her head. "I wouldn't be surprised if y/n read that as a friendly gesture. They're both oblivious to romance."

"They've made that quite clear," griped Okonogi, observing you holding up a spoon to Soshiro's lips as he took a bite of whatever you offered him. You were laughing with each other again and Okonogi was confused at how any of that behavior could be so deeply misconstrued as anything other than flirtatious.

"Should we do something about this? I don't know how much more I can take," Okonogi said.

"I worry it may be unprofessional to get involved, however helpful our interference might be," replied Mina.

Okonogi sighed. "You're right. Besides, it is pretty fun to watch this play out. It's like a soap opera."

Later that night, Mina and Okonogi were about to say goodbye to one another after making sure no soldier was left passed out at the dining tables. With dinner cleaned up and everybody walking or stumbling back to their rooms, they closed the door and made their way down the abandoned hallway.

Actually, they made their way down what they thought to be an abandoned hallway.

The two women shared a knowing look when they heard stifled giggles echoing from around the corner.

"You're always so funny, Soshiro," your voice rang out, and Mina and Okonogi could only imagine the sickly sweet smile you were giving the man.

"Gotta stay on top of my game to keep ya around," he teased, and they could only image the lovesick grin he was sending your way.

"It's getting late. I should get going," you told him.

"Yeah, you're probably right. I'll see ya tomorrow?"

Mina and Okonogi didn't miss the hopeful lilt coating his voice.

"Of course," you had replied. "I'd miss you too much if I didn't see you."

It took everything within themselves to not slam their heads against the wall. How were you two so... so...


"That's it. I've heard enough," Okonogi said, marching down the corridor. Mina had no idea what was about to happen, she just knew she couldn't miss it. She hurried behind Okonogi, rounding the corner at the perfect time.

"Both of you! You're driving me insane! Kiss already, dammit!" Okonogi demanded, startling you and Soshiro. She left as quick as she came in, leaving Mina dumbfounded.

"Have a good night," she told you, hands awkwardly clasped behind her back as she nodded before hurrying away. Recovering from the unexpected chewing out, you glanced at Soshiro, a mischievous gleam in your eye.

"Okonogi's never given us a bad command, has she?" you asked, hoping he understood what you were getting at.

"Our impeccable Operations Leader has never led us astray, you're correct," he responded, his fangs glinting in the dim light. His hands found purchase on your hips while yours rested on the back of his neck, the distance slowly lessening between your bodies. As your lips began to touch his, you realized you owed Okonogi big time for her help.

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