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The next morning, at MDH Hospital

It was time for Hyun to operate on SunJa. Hyun entered SunJa's room where she sees BoHyun and JaeYeon preparing SunJae for surgery.

"SunJa-ssi, how are you feeling?" Hyun asked.

"A little nervous," Hyun chuckled. "Don't worry, it's normal to be nervous before any type of procedure."

SunJa took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm ready," Hyun smiled and proceeded to help wheel her bed out. SunJa took a hold of Hyun's hand.

She motioned for everyone to stop. "Is something wrong?" Hyun asked, worried about her sister. "Can I hold your hand on the way to the operating room?"

It was a small request but it made Hyun smile. "Of course you can."

SunJa held Hyun's left hand and they all made their way to OR 3.

OR 3

TW: details of brain surgery

Hyun stood in the operating room, the sterile environment buzzing with anticipation. This surgery was more than just another procedure; it was personal. Her sister laid on the table, prepared for the surgery that would hopefully remove the tumor and give her a chance at a normal life.

BoHyun and JaeYeon were by her side, ready to assist. They had been briefed extensively on the procedure and the importance of precision and teamwork.

"Let's begin," Hyun said, her voice steady and calm. The room fell silent as she made the first incision, carefully cutting through the scalp to expose the skull.

"Scalpel," she requested, and Dr. Lee handed it to her with practiced efficiency. Hyun's movements were deliberate, each cut made with the utmost care. The residents watched closely, absorbing every detail of her technique.

"Bone saw," she instructed next. Dr. Park handed her the tool, and Hyun began to carefully remove a section of the skull, exposing the brain beneath. The tumor was located in an easy area, but every move had to be precise to avoid damaging critical brain functions.

"Retractors," Hyun called out, and BoHyun responded immediately, assisting in holding back the tissue to give her a clear view of the tumor. The room was filled with the soft hum of monitors and the quiet concentration of the surgical team.

As Hyun worked, she explained each step to the residents, ensuring they understood the complexities of the procedure. "The tumor is pressing against the frontal lobe. We need to be very careful not to damage any of the surrounding tissue."

She used a high-powered microscope to get a closer look at the tumor, mapping out the safest path for removal. "Suction," she requested, and Dr. Lee moved into position, skillfully clearing the area of any blood and fluids.

Hyun began the delicate process of removing the tumor, using a combination of microsurgical instruments and laser technology to carefully excise the growth. Every movement was measured, every cut precise.

"How's her pressure?" Hyun asked, her focus never wavering.

"Stable," JaeYeon responded, keeping a close eye on the monitors.

The surgery continued for hours, a testament to the complexity of the procedure and the meticulous care required. Hyun's hands moved with a surgeon's grace, each action deliberate and controlled. The residents mirrored her movements, learning from her expertise and absorbing the critical lessons of the surgery.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Hyun carefully removed the last piece of the tumor. She took a moment to examine the area, ensuring that no remnants were left behind.

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